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Operation Blissful

Operation Blissful


Artist Credit: daddog screen shot

In October of 1943 the next stage of the Allied plan in the Pacific was ready for implementation. On the 27th of October, a feint assault on the island of Choiseul (Operation Blissful) obscured the real objective, Bougainville. On October 27th New Zealand troops captured Treasury Island. On November 1st U.S. 3rd Marine Divison went ashore at Empress Augusta Bay. Despite Japanese counter attacks in the air and on land Americans held a defensive perimeter ten miles wide and file miles deep and made Augusta Bay into a naval base with three operating airstrips.

- The Cassell, Atlas of the Second World War.

This Close Escort will place players in and around “The Slot” in October of 1943.


Country Percentages
Allied ~ 40%
Axis ~ 60%

  Allies Axis
Units: F4U-1
Fields A1, A32, A35, A41 and CV8.
A6M5 (Sub for A6M3)
Ki67 (Sub for Betty)
Fields: A9, A10, A11, A30 and CV28.
Orders: Frame 1 – Defend Port 31 and Vehicle base 4
Frame 2 – Defend Port 31 and Vehicle base 36
Frame 3 – Defend A1 and A41
Frame 1 – Attack Port 31 and Vehicle base 4
Frame 2 – Attack Port 31 and Vehicle base 36
Frame 3 – Attack Fields A1 and A41
Restrictions: All Allied aircraft must take 100% fuel and drop tanks.
All Allied aircraft must be used.
F4U’s must take off from CV8
Axis Fighters must take 100% fuel and drop tanks.

Frame 1 Strategic Map


Frame 2 Strategic Map


Frame 3 Strategic Map



Victory Conditions
Bomber - Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field.
Bomber mission success will be scored based on a percentage of destruction.
under 30% destruction will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% destruction will result in a draw
51 to 70% destruction will result in a minor success
71 to 90% destruction will result in a major success
91 to 100% destruction will result in a supreme success

Escort - Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
Escort mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers that survive.
under 30% bomber survival will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bomber survival will result in a draw
51 to 70% bomber survival will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bomber survival will result in a major success
91 to 100% bomber survival will result in a supreme success

Interceptor - Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
Interceptor mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers destroyed.
under 30% bombers destroyed will result in a mission failure
31 to 50% bombers destroyed will result in a draw
51 to 70% bombers destroyed will result in a minor success
71 to 90% bombers destroyed will result in a major success
91 to 100% bombers destroyed will result in a supreme success

Percentages will be applied to each item as a percentage of 100% based on total ord required for destruction.

Aircraft not landed at frames end will be counted as lost.

Arena Settings
- Death Max Count 4
- Terrain Slot2
- Fuelburn 1.0
- Icons short
- Ack .4
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 79,200 (15 miles)
- Tower range set to 79,200 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Radar off for Allied and Axis, on for third country ground control interceptor
- Clouds / visibility miles (F1 – 5 miles) (F2 – 17 miles) (F3 – 10 miles)
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off
- Winds none
- Time: Game clock at 08:00, multiplier of 2.

Designer Notes
Designer Notes: Players have 4 lives in 90 minutes. Ideally all pilots should join missions. In the future if CM’s are given a “mission only” tool players will have to join missions to participate in the frame. Points are totaled after each frame and after 3 frames the Allied or Axis winner will be announced. Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted in the future in a Close Escort page.

CM Notes
Only the fields listed on the map will be active. Enable only F4U’s on CV8. CGI. Full radar will be on for 3 country and players may use as they see fit.

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier

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