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GV Run, Tunisia

Victory Conditions
Frame 1:
Points are earned for each advancing GV that lands at the target base. These points are awarded to the defenders if the vehicle fails to land, and each side recieves a score as a % of the total advancing vehicles launched and the points then available, which achieve, or fail to achieve, the above goals. These points are as follows:
T34's - 1
M16's - 2
M3's - 3

Landed %'s
0 to 25% = Advance is routed, defense achieves supreme victory
26 to 50% = Advance defeated, defense pushes forward
51 to 75% = Advance held up, defense holds ground
76 to 90% = Advance pushes forward, defense defeated
91 to 100% = Advance achieves supreme victory, defense is routed

Frame 2:
Points are earned for the destruction of the base at V36, intact targets will allot points the the defenders. Scores will be given as % points.

Scoring %'s
Vehicle Hangars = 21% each (x 3 = 63% total)
Strat Items = 1.75% each (x 20 = 35% total)
Field Guns = 0.67% each (x 3 = 2% total)

Frame 3:
This is an all or nothing frame. Capture A6 or fail.

Scoring %'s
Base Capture = 100%

All Frames:
Bonus points for enemy destroyed and lost:
Tanks = 4% each
M16's = 2% each
M3's = 1% each
Single engined aircraft = 5% each
Twin engined aircraft = 8% each

Arena Settings
-Death Max Count 4
-Terrain Tunisia
- Fuel 1.5
- Icons short
- .4 Ack
- Down Time Multiplier set to maximum
- Fighter and Ground Vehicle warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Radar off
- Clouds / visibility 12 miles
- Friendly collisions off
- Kill shooter off
- Winds will vary
- Time: launch on game clock at 09:00, multiplier of 1.

Designer Notes
- Please launch all rides from the CM posted mission.
- The focus here is for a ground battle, however, avoiding / flanking the defenders is allowed, so the aircraft used in the spotting and anti-GV role will be crucial.

CM Notes
- Wind may be set at the host CM's discretion for, variety.
- There will likely be only 1 mission posted per side, so if the Host feels comfortable he / she may fly.

Design By
Michael 'BlkKnit' faughn

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