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Close Escort - A Tour of WWII - Tour 1 "Blitzkrieg"


 Screenshot by Dux

Close Escort 

A Tour of World War II

Tour One




By May of 1940, several weeks of preparation comes to a head as the German war machine storms across the Belgian border.  Squadrons that have spent the available time training and planning will meet in the skies over the fast moving front, creating legends and martyrs as they battle each other in support of the soldiers on the ground.

Frame one will follow the action as German dive bombers pave the way for the crossing of the Muese.

Frame two will see a British raid against the Muese bridgeheads established by the German army following frame one.

Frame three sees fierce airbattles over the beaches of Dunkirk as large numbers of men are rescued right off the shore as the Germans push forward.


Axis = 50%
Allies = 50% 
Aircraft available:
Hurricane I
F4F-4 (subbing for various French aircraft)
Spitfire I (From bases in England only) 
Boston III 
Arena Settings: 

BomberWarningRange = 42000
FighterWarningRange = 42000
DownTimeMultiplier = 200 (max)
FuelBurnRate = 1.5
GroundAutoLethality[Armored] = 0.2
GroundAutoLethality[Hard] = 0.2
GroundAutoLethality[Soft] = 0.2
Killshooter = off
RadarMode Allies =  off (friendly dots on)
RadarMode Axis = off
(friendly dots on)
RadarMode CM Country =  off
TowerBasedRadarRange = 42000
Visibility = 17 miles


Objectives and Restrictions:

Frame One:
 - Hurricane I
 - P40B
 - F4F-4 (sub for various French aircraft)
 - JU87
 - bf109E-4
 - bf110C-4b
 - Defend City and Troop Training at Maastrict
 - Defend secondary target of  Ammo  Factory at Liege (if there are over 16 JU87 pilots on the operation)
 - Attack City and Troop Training at Maastrict
 - Attack secondary target of  Ammo Factory at Liege (if there are over 16 JU87 pilots on the operation)
 - Do not fly east of the sector 7 column until contact is made with the enemy
 - Bombers must reach target by T+60 or face penalties

Rhine Terrain 

Frame One: Axis to destroy City and Troop training (secondary target ammo factory)
Muese Crossing


Frame Two:





 - Hurricane I
 - P40B
 - Boston III 

 - bf109E-4
 - bf110C-4b 


 - Attack A72, destroying all targets
 - Attack secondary target of A71,  destroying all targets (if there are more than 10 Boston III pilots on the operation)

 - Defend A72, protecting all targets
- Defend secondary target of A71,  protecting all targets (if there are more than 10 Boston III pilots on the operation)

 - Bombers must reach target by T+60 or face penalties
 - Do not fly south of the sector 13 row until contact is made with the enemy 

Rhine Terrain
Frame Two: Allies to destroy all items at A72 (secondary target A71)
Muese Bridgehead


Frame Three:





- Spitfire I
- Hurricane I

- bf109E-4
- bf110C-4b
- JU88 



- Defend A60, protecting all targets
- Defend secondary target of A48, protecting all targets (if there are more than 10 JU88 pilots on the mission)

- Attack A60, destroying all targets 
- Attack secondary target of A48, destroying all targets (if there are more than 10 JU88 pilots on the mission)




-  Do not fly east of the sector 15 column until contact is made with the enemy

-  Bombers must reach target by T+60 or face penalties

bob4 Terrain
Frame Three: Axis to destroy all items at A60 (secondary target A48)

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