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Normandy - Invasion Fortress Euroupe



Frame 1 - Gathering Storm May/June 1944 (night)

As Operation Overlord (D-Day) approaches the weather is uncertain, but operations continue against Axis targets in France and Germany whenever there?s a break. Tonight the RAFs? target is the airfield at Abbeville, A35.

Frame 1 Units- Allies 50% / Axis 50%
Field: A1
Field: A33
Lancaster III
Spit IX
Spit XIV
109G-6, G2 and G-14
190A-5 A8 and F8
Max altitude of 22,000 feet for bombers.
Lancasters must reach the target (A35) by T+60 or suffer a penalty of -10% damage for every minute late. Ten minutes late and all damage is wiped out.
Targets: All field objects including strat and guns. Town is secondary target required if 8 or more Lancaster formations launch.
Frame 1: Axis must stay within 25 miles of land.
Recomendation: Drop the 4k bomb and 3x 500 lb bombs on the runway to improve climb rate. Additional unloading is up to the Allied CO.

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Normandy Frame 2 - Operation Overlord

6 June 1944

It's D-Day: Headquarters First U.S. Army Group

The object of Operation OVERLORD (Outline Plan, C.O.S. (43) 416 (O)) is to secure a lodgement area on the Continent from which further offensive operations can be developed. The operation will be executed in two phases...Phase I and some parts of Phase II will be executed by U.S., British and Canadian forces assigned or attached to the 21 Army Group.

The Ninth Air Force will be associated with the First Army Group. The Ninth Air Force will be employed as a Tactical Air Force in support of the ground forces as directed by Joint Ninth Air Force and 2nd TAF (RAF) Commanders in coordination with AEAF. Request from the ground forces for air support will normally be made thru an Air Support Commander or his representative.

Just before dawn, the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword became a living hell for the German defenders. The air and naval pre-invasion bombardment had opened fire. Shell after shell was fired from the thousands of battleships, cruisers, and destroyers lying off the coast and bomb after bomb was dropped on pre-selected targets by the 13,000 Allied bombers. Many of the bombs fell inland, leaving the beaches non-cratered, but eventually making the fight inland easier.

The weather was clearing over the continent, proceed imediatly to knock out the airfield at Caen to prevent LW attacks on the Allied Landing.

Target A40

Frame 2 Units- Allies 50% / Axis 50%
Field: A1
Field: A41
109G-6, G2 and G-14
190A-5 A8 and F8
Max altitude is 22,000 feet for the bombers.
B24s must reach the target by T+65 or suffer a penalty of -10% damage for every minute late. Ten minutes late and all damage is wiped out.
Targets: All field (A40) objects including strat and guns. Town is secondary target required if 8 or more B-24 formations launch.

Frame 2: Axis must stay within 25 miles of land.

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Normandy Frame 3 - Followup to D-Day - June 1944

Except for the Canadians who pushed from Sword beach to their D-Day objective (v103 is Allied), all the Allied armies were still within 6 miles of the beaches as night fell. They are opposed by many Axis strong points which must be knocked out. Target any of the vehicle bases v98 to v102
Frame 3 Units- Allies 50% / Axis 50%  
Field: A1
Field: A41
Spit IX and XIV
109G-6, G2 and G-14
190A-5 A8 and F8
Max altitude for the bombers is 22,000 feet.
All bomber groups, B24s and B-26s, must reach the target by T+55.
Targets: One of v98 to v102. All field objects including strat and guns. A second V-Base is secondary target required if 8 or more B-24 formations launch.
Axis must stay within 25 miles of land.
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Important Notes:

In the night frames, advise players to adjust their gamma if their front ends are to black.  There is a huge difference between the displays on different computers, so this isn't cheating.

All fields should be closed between missions.

Arena Settup:

Terrain: bob04

        Frame 1 = .75 
        Frame 2 & 3 = 1
Frame 1:
        Morning = 1.0000 (night mission for frame 1 only)
        Lanuch time: 0430 (sky begins to lighten at 0530)
Short Icons
Default settings plus changes
BomberWarningRange = 53000
DownTimeMult = 200
ExitWhileMoving = 8 (gunners only)
FighterWarningRange = 53000
FlightModeFlags = 1154
FogVisibilityMiles = 12 (may increase for frame 1 at a cost to frame rate)
GroundAutoLethality[Armored/Hard/Soft] = 0.4
KillShooter = 0 after launch
RadarMode[Bish] = 49 (friendly dot dar)
RadarMode[Knit] = 49
RadarMode[Rooks] = 49
RadarUpdateRate = 60(one minute)
TowerBasedRadarRange = 53000
ViewModeFlags = 2
WarningFlags[Bish] = 15
WarningFlags[Knit] = 15
WarningFlags[Rook] = 15
Concept By: BlkKnit
Design By: Easyscor

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