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Sky over Odenwald

Sky Over Odenwald


Artist Credit: Dux screen shot

This particular dogfight was over Frankfurt. German and American planes hopelessly intermeshed, twisted all over flak-specked, Fortress filled sky. In the midst of the dogfight, a single classic duel developed. It was between a Messerschmitt and an American Mustang. In the German fighter was a man obviously one of their aces. In the Mustang was 27 year old Colonel Kenneth R. Martin. The fight progressed for minutes – an eternity in aerial combat. Both pilots threw their planes into impossible maneuvers. Neither could get in a solid burst. Then suddenly watchers saw the Me lunge fiercely at Martin’s Mustang. The two planes ripped toward each other. Martin refused to pull out. There was no accounting for this. It seemed to be just the expression of cold inexpressible anger. The planes crashed head on at 23,000 feet. The Me disintegrated in a flash of exploding gasoline and ammunition. Martin’s shattered Mustang fluttered to earth in a long, uncontrolled glide. Martin survived the crash. It was later reported by Berlin Radio that he was recovering from a broken arm and leg in the same hospital with the German pilot he brought down with him. - Fight For The Air, by John Frayn TurnerThis is a Winter 1944 event.


Country Percentages
~ 50% Allied
~ 50% Axis

  Allies Axis

Spitfire XIV
Tempest V
T-34 (Sub for American Armor)

Active fields are A17, A33, A34, A48, A63, A75, and A76 

Bf 109G10
Bf 110G-2
Fw 190 D-9
Fw 190F-8
Me-262 (first 15 minutes only in each frame)
Me-163 (Last 30 minutes only in each frame)
Panzer IV

Active fields are A5, A10, A13, A20, and A39


Allied Orders Frame 1:

Attack A13Radar Factory 11.13 sector, City 12.12 sector, Radar Factory 12.12 sector
Defend V56 with ground vehicles

Allied Orders Frame 2:

Attack A20
Attack City near 12.9.1 sector
Attack Grunt Factory near 11.8.1
Attack A39

Allied Orders Frame 3:

Attack Grunt Factory 13.11.4
Attack HQ 14.11.3 (this target is worth 400 points)
Attack A42 using GV’s spawning from V30
Attack City near 12.9.1 sector

Axis Orders Frame 1:

Defend A13, Radar Factory 11.13 sector, City 12.12 sector, Radar Factory 12.12 sector, Attack V56 from V47 with ground vehicles

Axis Orders Frame 2:

Defend A20Defend City near 12.9.1 sector
Defend Grunt Factory near 11.8.1
Defend A39

Axis Orders Frame 3:

Defend Grunt Factory 13.11.4
Defend HQ 14.11.3 (this target is worth 400 points)
Defend A42 using GV’s that spawn from A42
Defend City near 12.9.1 sector

Restrictions: GV's must be used to attack V47 in frame 1 and A42 in frame 3. None except the time constraints on the use of German jet aircraft.

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