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Black Tea and Aces


Black Tea and Aces



Artist Credit: Dux Screen shot

Background:Robert Tuck picked up Hornchurch control and followed their directions… Soon he could distinguish 109’s, Hurris, Spits, 110’s and a few Ju-88… It was the biggest fight he’d seen yet, an awe-inspiring spectacle that made his throat tighten and produced an odd, damp feeling at the temples and wrists. Then suddenly, far below him two Ju-88’s passed very close together, striking out for home at sea level. He turned out from the land, away from the main scrap and with a long , shallow dive got well ahead of them. Then he turned again, due west, dropped low over the water and made a head on attack. - Fly For Your Life, by Larry Forrester. The story of the great air ace, Robert Stanford Tuck. This is a late Spring 1942 event.


Country Percentages
~ 50% Allied

~ 50% Axis

  Allies Axis
Units: British:
Spit V
Hurr IIC
Boston MK III
Lancaster III
Fields: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16
Bf 109E
Bf 109F-4
Bf 110C-4b
Fields: 35, 37, 38, 39, 44, 46, and 60
Orders: Allied Orders:
Frame 1:
Defend fields: 10, 11, 12
Attack fields: 38, 37 (secondary targets), and City (primary target) in 13.6 sector

Frame 2:
Defend HQ, City in 8.10.6 sector, City in 12.11.1 sector
Attack Fields: 37, 38 (secondary targets) and 39 (primary target)

Frame 3:
Defend fields 10, 13, and 16
Attack fields 44, 46 (secondary targets) and 35 (primary target)
Axis Orders:
Frame 1:
Attack fields 10, 11, 12
Defend fields 38, 37, and City in 13.6 sector

Frame 2:
Attack HQ, City in 8.10.6 sector, City in 12.11.1 sector
Defend Fields: 37, 38, 39

Frame 3:
Attack fields 10, 13, and 16
Defend fields 35, 44, and 46
Restrictions: All flights should originate from a CM posted Mission All flights should originate from a CM posted Mission

Frame 1 Strategic Map

Frame 2 Strategic Map

Frame 3 Strategic Map

Victory Conditions
Bomber - Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field.
Bomber mission success will be scored based on a percentage of destruction combined with the survival rate of the Bombers, averaged.
- under 20% average score will result in a mission failure
- 21 to 40% average score will result in a draw
- 41 to 60% average score will result in a minor success
- 61 to 80% average score will result in a major success
- 81 to 100% average score will result in a supreme success
Each secondary target will be scored at the rate of 1% to 4% destroyed (or each secondary target is worth 25% max). The Primary target will be scored at the rate of 1% for every 2% destroyed (or the primary target will be worth 50% max)

Escort - Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
Escort mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers that survive combined with the percentage of enemy fighters destroyed, averaged.
- under 20% average score will result in a mission failure
- 21 to 40% average score will result in a draw
- 41 to 60% average score will result in a minor success
- 61 to 80% average score will result in a major success
- 81 to 100% average score will result in a supreme success

Interceptor - Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
Interceptor mission success will be scored based on the percentage of bombers destroyed combined with the percentage of target left intact, averaged.
- under 20% average score will result in a mission failure
- 21 to 40% average score will result in a draw
- 41 to 60% average score will result in a minor success
- 61 to 80% average score will result in a major success
- 81 to 100% average score will result in a supreme success
Each secondary target will be scored at the rate of 1% to 4% destroyed (or each secondary target is worth 25% max). The Primary target will be scored at the rate of 1% for every 2% destroyed (or the primary target will be worth 50% max)

Arena Settings:
- Icons short
- Fuel 1.0
- .50 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 53,000 (about 10 miles)
- Tower range set to 53,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Clouds / visibility (12 miles)
- Radar off (on full for third country)- Friendly collisions off
- Kill shooter off
- Time: 7 AM with Multiplyer x 2
- Death tool set for 4 in 90 minutes

Designer Notes:
- Players have 4 lives in 90 minutes. - Ideally all pilots should join missions. In the future if CM’s are given a “mission only” tool players will have to join missions to participate in the frame. Points are totaled after each frame and after 3 frames the Allied or Axis winner will be announced.
- Top fighter and bomber pilots will be noted in the future in a Close Escort page.
- Mud moving favors the Allies in this setup, but if the Lancasters are not escorted their losses may be greater than the ground targets they destroy.
- This set up is designed to allow either side to attack, but only one side will ever be on attack ina single frame. CM Notes:
- Only the fields listed on the map will be active.
- British bombers can only take off from 10, 11, and 13.
- German bombers can only take off from 35, 37, 38, and 39.
- Formations allowed.
- Targets at fields are hangers, radar, Strat items and ack. No other ground targets will be scored.
- British are Bishop Knights are GermanRook (third country) CGI.
- Full radar will be on for 3 country and players may use as they see fit. Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier (edited by BlkKnit for event rule changes)

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