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The Battle of France - Frame 3


December SEC Event

The Battle of France


The Second World War began with the end of the Phony War.  The German invasion in western Europe was now known as the Battle of France.
The German invasion of France and the Low countries was unprovoked and part of a sinister plan headed up by Adolf Hitler. The German Blitzkreg
tactics so overwhelmed the French and British commands that the end of the campaign came quickly. The Armee' de l'Air and the RAF were out
numbered and out gunned as the Luftwaffe pummeled the aerial resistance. The Luftwaffe possessed almost twice as many aircraft and certainly
the more modern air force.

By the time of Operation Dynamo otherwise known as the Dunkirk evacuation,  the aerial resistance to the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht was almost
none existent.  By mid June French General Weygand in charge of French ground forces, was known to have said "The battle of France is over.
The battle of Britain is about to begin. Thus ending the Battle of France.

Plane Set

French (Armee' de l'Air)

P-40C (Hawk 75)
Boston III (DB-7)
Brewster B-239 (Bloche 155)

British (RAF)

Huricane I
Boston III
Spitfire I

Germany (Luftwaffe)

Panzer IV F
SdKfz 251

The Battle of France on Youtube.

Sunday European Campaign for December starts at 8:00 pm UK, 2100 CET, and 3:00 pm EST.

There will be unlimited lives for this event.


Frame 3

The Evacuation at Dunkirk

The British Expeditionary Force is broken. Streams of British soldiers retreat to the shoreline of Dunkirk to be rescued by anything and everything that will float. Most of their weaponry abandon in the fields and beaches of western France and Belgium. Adolf Hitler decides that this is the time to display the might of the Luftwaffe by destroying the BEF on the beaches. The RAF has been retired from western France and can only now provide air cover for the retreating BEF. Streams of GAF level and dive bombers streak in to give the British force hell as they try to retreat to England. The Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe must finish the job. Remove all resistance to the German force from France.



Defend V170 and P171 from capture. If either of these bases are captures, then "Operation Dynamo" the evacuation of Allied force from France will be a failure.
Defend the evacuation fleets just offshore of Dunkirk. Remember British and French troop need these ships to return to England.

V170 - M8, M16

P171 - LVT4, M8, M16

A68 - Hurricane I, Spitfire I

A69 - Hurricane I, Spitfire I




Capture either Allied base, V170 or P171, for the victory in France. Destroy as much of the enemy shipping off the Shoreline of Dunkirk as possible to keep the enemy from retreating.

A89 - Panzer IV F, SdKfz 251

A91 - JU87D-3, JU88A-4, C-47

A97 - BF190E-4, BF110C-4, C-47




Victory conditions:

Allies wins upon successful defense of all allied Bases.
Axis wins upon capture of any allied base.

Frame 3 - Arena Setting:
1. Terrain – BOF40
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind – 0 kts
4. Time – Start time 1900
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 about 7 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility – 6
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .3
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 36,960 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – Off

Designer Notes:

Event Designer:

Redtail7 2012 

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