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ERL S2R6 Deuces Wild

Event will run 1-17-10'

Deuces Wild 2010

9:00 PM Eastern
8:00 PM Central
7:00 PM Mountain
6:00 PM Pacific

Terrain - Okinawa

Country ? Bishop

Start Field ? A-37

Take Off Direction: Northeast

12 Laps

Plane Choice ? 1MADDOG1 passed choice to
Limbo0 who chose Bf 109F-4

Fuel Burn Rate ? 2.0

Communications ? Vox and Text Channel 200

Views Enabled ? F1 ( Normal ), F3 (external),
F5 (God?s Eye)

Start Type ? GullGutz

Polesetter - 1MADDOG1

Finish ? Flying Finish, Exiting Grass Bomber

Course Description:

Take off Northeast, sliding to the left for the grass
B.H. fly through.

Turning left, head for the northern SB island, and
circle SB to the right, staying below it?s top.

Return to the field, and fly through pad B.H.

Turn left and fly between Radar Towers, keeping
Water Tower on your right.

Head for Southern SB?s, and fly between them,
circling right and staying below their tops.

Back to the town, Water Tower on your right, fly
between Radar Towers .

Head back to the field, keep the Radar Tower on
your right, fly through grass BH to rejoin course.

YoYo?s at the SB?s will be allowed IF you have
turned right, and IF you have actually passed them
before beginning your YoYo.

One mandatory rearm

Rearm must take place after a full lap is completed
When rearming you will need to make a left out of the
grass bomber hanger to head to rearm pad
After rearm continue to the Northern SB Island and
follow course.

Any towering will result in a penalty


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