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The Battle of Britain



Dux Screenshot

Tuesday August 13, 1940 (Eagle Day) was the day Germany attacked Britian. It had been briefed the day previous to Adler Tag that we would be going across the Channel in strong formations to attack England. At last, we would be concentrating in large bomber formations with a fighter escort. For so long we had been flying our individual mission on simple operations like photographic reconnaissance or minelaying duties. Some, like us had not even seen a british fighter or even fired a shot in anger and it hardly seemed as if awar was on at all. Now our airfields had many bombers at the ready, many had been flown in from inland airfields, and I could see that now our great Luftwaffe would be at last attacking England.
Feldwebel Karl Hoffmann 1/KG30


Country Percentages:
~ 50% Allied
~ 50% Axis

  Allies Axis
Spit I
Hurri I
Boston III (frame 3 only)
Bf 109E-4
Bf 110C-4b
Ju-88 (frames 1 and 2 only)
Ju-87 (frames 1 and 2 only)
Allied Orders: Frame 1: Defend City (primary target) in 12.11.1, and City (secondary target, used only if there are more than 10 JU88 pilots) in 12.11.3
Frame 2: Defend HQ

Frame 3: Attack ships

Axis Orders:Frame 1: Attack City (primary target) in 12.11.1, and City (secondary target, used only if there are more than 10 JU88 pilots) in 12.11.3 
Frame 2:  Attack HQ

Frame 3: Defend ships

- All flights should originate from a CM posted Mission.
- During Frame One:
Interceptors are not to fly east of the 13/14 line nor south of the 10/9 line until contact is made with the enemy, or there is a base warning flash on English soil.
- During Frame Two:
Interceptors from A21 are not to leave the 8.11 sector until there is a base warning flash on English soil.
Interceptors from A28 are not to leave the 10.13 sector until there is a base warning flash on English soil.
- During Frame Three:
Hits, as well as destruction of target ships will be scored.  The carrier and cruiser in each fleet will be destroyed prior to the frame by the host CM.  This leaves 12 destroyers as targets (4 per fleet).
- All flights should originate from a CM posted Mission.
- During Frame One:
If there are more than 10 bomber pilots on the mission, the secodary target listed above will also be hit.
- During Frame Two:
Due to the hardness of the headquarters target all hits and total pounds of bombs on target will be scored.
- During Frame Three:
Defenders should not travel west of the 13/14 column line until contact has been made with the enemy.

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