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Black Tea and Aces


Black Tea and Aces



Artist Credit: Dux Screen shot

Background:Robert Tuck picked up Hornchurch control and followed their directions… Soon he could distinguish 109’s, Hurris, Spits, 110’s and a few Ju-88… It was the biggest fight he’d seen yet, an awe-inspiring spectacle that made his throat tighten and produced an odd, damp feeling at the temples and wrists. Then suddenly, far below him two Ju-88’s passed very close together, striking out for home at sea level. He turned out from the land, away from the main scrap and with a long , shallow dive got well ahead of them. Then he turned again, due west, dropped low over the water and made a head on attack. - Fly For Your Life, by Larry Forrester. The story of the great air ace, Robert Stanford Tuck. This is a late Spring 1942 event.


Country Percentages
~ 50% Allied

~ 50% Axis

  Allies Axis
Units: British:
Spit V
Hurr IIC
Boston MK III
Lancaster III
Fields: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16
Bf 109E
Bf 109F-4
Bf 110C-4b
Fields: 35, 37, 38, 39, 44, 46, and 60
Orders: Allied Orders:
Frame 1:
Defend fields: 10, 11, 12
Attack fields: 38, 37 (secondary targets), and City (primary target) in 13.6 sector

Frame 2:
Defend HQ, City in 8.10.6 sector, City in 12.11.1 sector
Attack Fields: 37, 38 (secondary targets) and 39 (primary target)

Frame 3:
Defend fields 10, 13, and 16
Attack fields 44, 46 (secondary targets) and 35 (primary target)
Axis Orders:
Frame 1:
Attack fields 10, 11, 12
Defend fields 38, 37, and City in 13.6 sector

Frame 2:
Attack HQ, City in 8.10.6 sector, City in 12.11.1 sector
Defend Fields: 37, 38, 39

Frame 3:
Attack fields 10, 13, and 16
Defend fields 35, 44, and 46
Restrictions: All flights should originate from a CM posted Mission All flights should originate from a CM posted Mission

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