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Stalin's Unit Rules

- Each unit has a Group Leader (GL) who is responsible of the unit and its actions.
- Each unit also has a Flight Leader (FL) who assists the GL and acts as his substitute in case of absence.
  (See the GL responsibilities in "General Rules" -section)

Home Air and Vehicle Bases:
- Each unit has two pre-assigned home bases, one "home air base" for their aircraft and one "home vehicle base" for their vehicles.
- Air bases (A) can also be assigned as vehicle home bases.
- Each air base (A) can fit only one (1) unit's aircraft, unless especially ordered otherwise.
- Each base (A or V) can fit up to three (3) unit's vehicles at a time.
  (Note: An air base can be a home base for 4 different units at a same time; for one unit's aircraft and for 3 units' vehicles!)

Units Resources:
- Each unit has predefined types and amounts of planes and vehicles available for them in each frame.
  (See the "Order of Battle" -section for each unit's resources)
- The GL must keep count of his unit's rides in order to prevent over usage.
  (Over usage will be penalized in the following frame and the achievements with illegal planes or vehicles will be negated.)
- There is no restriction on how the rides are allocated to players within the unit. The unit CO can assign any available ride to any player in the unit at any time. When a ride is landed legally without a loss (see "RTB" in "Player rules"), it returns to unit's resources.
  (Note: Optimally, every player should get a chance to use each ride if he wishes, although that is up to the GL to decide.)
- All units have an unlimited supply of C-47, LVT-2 and M-3 from their appropriate home bases.
- Each unit has an unlimited supply of M-16:s for defending their own home air base (only from "H" spawn)
  (Note: M-16:s are NOT available from home vehicle bases even if they are A-bases).
- Gunner positions on ground, in any friendly base, and in air, in any friendly plane are also unlimited.

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