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The Battle of Tunisia



The Battle of Tunisia

The Western Desert was a battlefield with two flanks, the Mediterranean sea and the
Sahara Desert. Between this lay the coastal desert over which the British, Austrialian,
New Zealanders, Poles, Indians, Ghurkhas, Free French, South Africans, Greeks,
Germans, Italians and Libyans would fight. They would bring with them all that modern
warefare could supply there forces. The greatest feature of this area was the coastal
escarpment west of Mersa Atruh. The Western Desert is an illusory  place, at first; it
appears flat but in fact provides many hiding places for vehicles. It was the perfect
battleground for modern combined arms warfare and would provide the learning
grounds for many ideas relating to this modern form of warfare. A form of warfare,
which tactical air power, was intrinsically linked. Thus, because of the nature of the
Western Desert, the battles ebbed and flowed across Libya and Eygpt and only in
1942 with the help of American aid; Britain was able to push the German-Italian
armies back towards Tunisia.
Battle Elements and Schedule

   – Youkes-Les-Bains
   – Bizerte
   – Tunis

Allied- 50 %
Axis - 50%


C. 202
 Boston III
 Hurri IIC and IID
 Spitfire 5


Frame 1 - Destroy the enemies supply lines in the region.
Supply truck lauch evey 10 minutes to resupply their bases. The side that has the
highest number of destroyed trucks claims victory in the frame.
Axis Bases: V96, A5, A65
Axis Aircraft: BF109E, BF110C, JU88A-4, JU87D-3, C202
Allied Bases: A13, V88, A69
Allied Aircraft: P-40E, Spitfire V, Hurricane IIC, IID, Boston III
Frame 2 - Attack or defend Bizerte.
Axis warship in the harbor of Bizerte must be destroyed. The Allies sink 6 of 8 destroyers
and 1 cruiser to claim victory in this frame. Axis force are to defend the harbor of Bizerte.
Axis Bases: A12
Axis Aircraft: BF109F, BF110C, FW190A5, C202
Allied Bases: A5
Allied Aircraft: P-40F, Spitfire V, Boston III, B-25C
Frame 3 - Attack Axis HQ and City complex in Tunis.
The Axis force is on the run in north Africa. The Allies will launch and destroy the HQ
building located at (13,10,7) and the fuel storage container and factory build in the city
at (13,11,1). Both targets must be destroyed for the Allies to claim victory in the frame.
Axis force will defend against the in coming raids.
Axis Bases: A66
Axis Aircraft: BF109F, BF110C, FW190A5, C202 
Allied Bases: A6
Allied Aircraft: P-40F, Spitfire V, B-24J, B-25C


Frame 1 - The side with the highest number of trucks destroyed wins the frame.
Frame 2 - The Allies must sink 6 of 8 destroyers and 1 cruiser to claim victory in this
Frame 3 - Both HQ building and the fuel storage containers with factory buildings 
must be destroyed for the Allies to claim victory in the frame.   


Terrain: Tunisia
Event start, game time: 8:00
Time multiplier: 1.0
Fuel Multiplier: 1.5
Icons: Icons short
Radar: Sector bars disabled.
Base flashing set to 5 miles (26400).
Tower Range 5 miles (26400) for display to aid players.
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
Unlimited Lives. 
Both sides may rearm/refuel on hotpads.
Formations: On

Design By
Wasq, Panzzer and Sasmox

Edited AUG 2012 by Redtail7
Editied April 2013 by Redtail7


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