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Italian Campaign Frame 3


January 22, 1944.

At the end of 1943, following the Allied invasion of
Italy, Allied forces were bogged down at the Gustav Line,
a defensive line across Italy south of the strategic
objective of Rome. The terrain of central Italy had
proved ideally suited to defense, and Field Marshal
Albert Kesselring took full advantage.

The concept of Operation Shingle was to land
amphibious forces at Anzio, bypassing German forces in
central Italy, and take Rome, the strategic objective
of the current Battle of Rome. The plan was conceived
by Winston Churchill and it received heavy critic
from allied generals, but Churchill overruled the generals.

Major General John P. Lucas was to lead the Fifth
Army's U.S. VI Corps in a surprise landing in the
Anzio/Nettuno area, and make a rapid advance into
the Alban Hills to cut German communications and
threaten the rear of the German XIV Panzer Corps
manning positions at Gustav Line.

A few days prior to the attack, Lucas wrote in his
diary, "They will end up putting me ashore with
inadequate forces and get me in a serious jam...
Then, who will get the blame?"

This frame recreates the initial landings on
January 22, 1944. Historically the landings
were essentially unopposed, with the exception
of Luftwaffe strafing runs.

In this frame everybody has three (3) lives to use.
Once you have used all your lives, the game should
prevent respawning with message
"Your max deaths have been exceeded".

Bomber pilots take a special note!
Each drone killed by the enemy is a life lost for the player.
So if you takeoff with a formation and all three formation
planes get shot down, you have used all three available
lives in this one sortie. Consider this
when deciding whether to fly with formation or not.

Bishops, 70% of participants

Planes available:
- B-25C (only glass nose) (A28)
- P-38J  (A68)
- P-47D-25  (A68).

Naval forces available:
- Two carrier groups (Start location 8.12.8)
- LVTA2 (troop carrier)

-Attack and capture city of Anzio (A65)
-Fighter takeoff field is A68
-Bomber takeoff field A28

No 5 inch manned guns.

Knights, 30% of participants

- 109G6
- Ju88
- Fw190A-5
- Mc.205 (max 20% of planes)

-Attack allied naval forces and stop Anzio landings
-Fighter takeoff field A33
-Bomber takeoff field A34

Arena Settings
Terrains: Italy
Event start, game time: 10:00
Time multiplier: 2.0
Icons: Icon range 2.5k (~7500), both friendly and enemy
Fuel Multiplier: 1.0
Radar: Only range based dar bar - range 80000, radar alt 500.
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
Default downtimes.
DeathMaxCount: 3
DeathTimeMin: 160
Downtime Multiplier:200

Design By
Edited AUG 2012 by Redtail7

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