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Iron Invasion Steel Defense - Battle of Normandy


The Battle of Normandy


For the month of February, the SEC Team will introduce a series of armor only battles. This event will represent
some of the largest and most brutal tank battles in the western European theater of World War II. The action
will be focused on the American, Canadian and British armored divisions following the D-Day invasion. Join us for
this clash of giants on the steel battlefield.

Frame 1

On the afternoon of Sunday 11 June, 'B' Squadron of the 1st Hussars suffered heavy losses following an abortive
attack with The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada on the hamlet of Le Mesnil Patry, North-West of Caen. The attack
was due to be launched in the early hours of 12 June but the information was received early on 11 June that the
attack had been advanced so the Canadian forces set off at 2:30 PM. The Canadian column advanced with
B Squadron of the 1st Hussars in the lead, with men of D Company of the Queen's Own Rifles riding on the 1st
Hussars's tanks.[6] Panzergrenadiers and tanks of the 12th SS Panzer Division were able to ambush the tanks of
'B' Squadron in a grain field near Le Mesnil Patry in part due to intelligence gleaned from the Hussars' radio traffic
after capturing wireless codes from a destroyed Canadian tank on 9 June. After the ambush started men were
lung from the tanks that they were riding as the tanks caught fire or exploded, destroying twenty. The
commander of the section of the Queen's Own Rifles (Major Elliot Dalton) was wounded in the leg by mortar fire.
The commander of the lead element of the Hussars, Lieutenant Colonel Colwell, ordered that the lead element
retreat but the order was not heard. Using Panzerfausts, Panzerschrecks and anti-tank guns, the German forces
were able to destroy 51 Shermans (all but two of their tanks) and inflict 61 killed or missing, 2 wounded and 11
captured on the vanguard of the 1st Hussars. All of the squadron's officers and all but three of their non-commissioned
officers were lost in the fighting. The Queen's Own Rifles suffered 55 killed, 33 wounded and 11 taken prisoner
during the attack. An English newspaper called it the modern equivalent of the Charge of the Light Brigade.


Objective: Fight to the center of the town of Le Mesnil-Patry. Occupy and hold the town center.

Special Note: Tanks will be time released. This is a running battle of attrition and unlimited lives.

In the first hour of play the M4A3 (75) will be available to the Allied forces and the Panzer IV
will be available to the Axis forces. After the first hour the Allies will get the M4A3 (76)w and
the Axis will get the Panther tank.

Axis: Launch from field A110 and use the NE spawn to reach the town of Le Mesnil-Patry.

Allies: Launch from V113 heading south to Le Mesnil-Patry.


Victory condition:

The side that occupies the center of town by frames end wins.

Frame 1 - Arena Setting:
1. Terrain – Normandy
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind – 0 kts
4. Time – Start time 1100
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 about 7 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility – 15
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .3
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 36,960 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – Off
Designer Notes:
Event Designer:
Redtail7 January 2013

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