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ERL S3R5 Wreaking HAVOC

 Welcome to Heavy Metal Sunday's "Enduro"
                       Season 3 Race 5
                     "Wreaking HAVOC"
***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***
Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the event.
Track Design By: Marshal
Hosted by: Marshal & SheGotYa
Sponsored by: Heavy Metal Sunday
SEA #1
10:30 Eastern
 9:30 Central
 8:30 Mountain
 7:30 Pacific
Terrain - racetest
Country - Rook   
Start Field – A8
Vox/Text – 200
Aircraft - A-20 Havoc
Chosen by last months winner BadBunny !
Pole Setter - Lukedog
Fuel Burn Rate - 2.5
Fuel - Pilot's Choice
Takeoff – North East
Views Enabled – F1, F3(External)
  and F5(Gods Eye)
Heats – 1
Laps per Heat - 2 Laps
Start - GullGutz
1 MANDATORY rearm after completing lap 1
Flying Finish

Take Off Northeast
Left turn around water tower
Fly through bomber hanger
Right turn around Radar Tower
Fly to Port
Left turn around Radar Tower
Right turn around Shore Battery
Fly to Radar Factory
Destroy at least one building at Radar Factory
Fly to Refinery
Destroy at least one building at Refinery
Fly to Troop Factory
Destroy at least one building at Troop Factory
Fly to Ammo Factory
Destroy at least one building at Ammo Factory
Fly to AAA Factory
Destroy at least one building at AAA Factory
Fly to City
Destroy at least one building at City
Fly to Head Quarters
Destroy at least one building at HQ
Fly back to A8
Right turn around water tower
Rejoin course and fly through Bomber
Hanger to complete lap 1
1 Rearm is mandatory after completing
Lap 1
**Remember all markers have altitude
  restrictions so practice being below
  the tops
At any time you feel you are not lined up for
a marker and would rather take the penalty of
a 360 turn (vertical or horizontal) you may do
so for any marker at any time EXCEPT for the
finish hanger on the last lap. If you choose a
360 you do not need to make the marker just
complete the penalty and continue on course.

Good Luck!

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