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ERL S4R4 The "Curse of the Pharaohs 1400"

    Enduro Race #4
                         Curse of the Pharaohs
         Sunday Nov. 20th
            SEA #1
         9:00 pm Eastern
         8:00 pm Central
         7:00 pm Mountain
         6:00 pm Pacific
Terrain : Race10
Base : A 22 (Bishop)
Take Off : Southwest
Fuel Burn : 2.85
Laps : 14 + 1 Mandatory Re-arm
         Rearm MUST be made at the end of a lap and after
         you have completed the Re-arm you
         MUST travel through the Start/Finish hanger in
         the correct direction to rejoin the race.
Plane : Brewster B-239 (PorkyPig)
Track Design : EvlBunny
Host : Kaz (HMS Lead CM)

The race will be run with the following night settings
Arena Settings:
Time : 5:00 (Multiplier set to : 1)
Time Tab :
                Evening :23:00
                Morning : 7:00
Range Tab :
               Fogvis : 14.0
Color Tab :
              Fognight : 42 0 42
              lightnight : 255 255 255
              Skynight : 0 0 44         

Course description:
Take off Southwest

Pass through the lower section of the Yellow Goalpost

Fly through the middle section of the Red Goal Posts

Flat right turn around Blue Post

Through big pad Bomber Hanger (This is the Start/
Finish Hanger)

Slide Right to pass through Grass Bomber Hanger

Up the hill towards the Headquarters

Right Turn around Green Lamp Posts

Left around Headquarters (you must be below the top
of the building)

Right around Yellow Lamp Posts

Up to Radar Station

Through the middle of the Green Goal Posts

Through the middle of the Red Goal Posts

Down the Hill to the Bomber Hanger in front of the
pyramids (Marked #4)

Pass through the Hanger

Pass through the Radar Gate (The oil tanks are NOT a
marker only the gate)

Through the Bomber Hanger

Through the next Bomber Hanger

Pass through the far Radar Gate (Once again ONLY the
gate is a marker)

Head Back to town

Right around Red Post

Through town Radar Gate

Left around Blue Post

Through Start/Finish Hanger

Slide to the right and through Grass Bomber Hanger to
rejoin course....

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