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Rules for AH Extreme Air Racing League


The Basic AHXARL Rules
  1. Races are held Tuesday Nights, 10:00 Eastern, 7:00 Pacific time in SEA I
  2. 1 life per pilot per heat.
  3. 3 heats per race. (usually)
  4. Race briefing starts at 5 minutes after the hour so be on time or early. A pace lap is usually flown, but arena and/or off line practice is encouraged. It is really hard to try to explain what we do at race time. Questions may always be posted on the AHXARL BBS, and we try to set up the arena Monday night, if not sooner.
  5. To start the race, CM will enable flight, pull your throttle back to 0, you will spawn to correct runway, turn your engine OFF . Go only when CM fires gun, says GOGOGO,and types GOGOGO, all nearly at the same time. If you should roll early, stop where you are and wait for a second go command, do NOT tower and relaunch.
  6. No ammo or Ords will be used. (Usually) Fuel load is pilots choice. 100% will (almost) always get you to the finish line, but why carry to much?
  7. The winner of the race gets to pick the plane for the next week.  
  8. No alt cap except at turn markers. (Must be below the top of each marker)
  9. If landing for the finish, no belly landings.  
  10. Follow the designated course. (with different things added in MOTD, which you are encouraged to read each week, and race posting, like through hanger ,under bridge etc.) The race may also use pit stop(s).  
  11. First to complete the required objectives and finish as observed by the hosting CM film recorder wins the heat.  Highest combined heat finishes wins the race.



Point values for each race:

1 point for Participation
1 point for finishing a race
1st place through however many finish points for the heats depends on the number of racers participating.
20 Total possible points for winning (18 race points + 1 for participation + 1 for finishing).
Each following place down through 18th place will receive 1 less than the previous place, and all finishers below 18th place will receive just the paticipation and finish points.
Races are posted on ahevents and the Aces High BBS, under Aces High eXtreme Air Racing League.
All races are walk on events with two exceptions. The 13th race of the season, which is the Season Finale, and is an invitation only event, and once each year we hold the 68KO Cup Race, which is the premier race of the year, pitting all pilots who have qualified, and a few pilots selected by the AHXARL CM Team for exceptional skills, against each other to arrive at one winner, who, along with 2nd and 3rd place finishers, ave been presented trophies for the last few years.To view images of a few years worth of awards passed out, click on the standings button.
These two races may be watched by anyone, but from the tower only.
There is a sticky article called Racing Configuration Tips in the AHXARL BBs that explain how to set up CM Eye mode if you would like to watch from other than the tower. http://bbs.hitechcreations.com/smf/index.php/topic,199623.0.html

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