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Race Tracks

Season 7 Race 5 - Bangkok Express 300

Event will run Tuesday, 30 January, 2007 10:00 PM Eastern
9:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Mountain 7:00 PM Pacific time,
and preregistration is NOT required but reading the arena
message IS.
Please review the arena message before asking the CM questions about the course.
Course Designed by: TracerX
Previous Runnings:
Hosted by TracerX
Sponsored by AHXARL
Plane Choice AR234 by Dayz
Terrain: Rangoon
Start Field: A2 (Knight)
VOX channel: 200
Plane: AR234
Fuel Burn: 2.0
Fuel: Your Choice
Takeoff: NE
F3 view enabled
Heats: 3
Laps per Heat: 3
GullGutz Start
Flying Finish at Double Bomber Hangers.
Takeoff Northeast, adjust flight path to make a
left hand turn around the Water tower at the end
of the runway.  Fly to the Troop Factory, make a
right hand turn to fly between the two water
towers and around the single radar tower.  Return
to airfield A2 and make a right hand turn around
the water tower, then an easy left around the
radar tower.  Continue to the HQ.  Fly between
the radar tower and water tower at the HQ, then
turn left around the HQ building.  Continue turning
left to go around the water tower at the neighboring
factory and return to airfield A2. Make an easy left
hand turn around the radar tower and continue with
the next lap by flying to the Troop Factory. On the
final lap, fly through the double bomber hangers for
the finish.
Good Luck!

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