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Race Tracks

Season 11 Race 12 Messerschmitt Madness 600

 Event will run Tuesday, 15 April, 2008

10:00 PM Eastern
9:00 PM Central,
8:00 PM Mountain
7:00 PM Pacific time,

Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the course.

Previous Runnings: None

Course Designed by: HB555

Hosted by HB555
Sponsored by AHXARL
Plane Choice by bmathis - ME-262

***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***

Messerschmitt Madness 600 Information:

Hosting CM - HB555
Terrain - rhinewin (Winter Rhine) 
Start Field ? A8 (Knight)
Vox/Text ? Both 200
Aircraft - ME-262
Fuel Burn Rate - 2.0
Fuel Load Out ? Your Choice !!Please do not ask!!
Takeoff ? Northeast
Views Enabled ? F3 (External) and F5 (Gods Eye)
Heats ? 3
Laps per Heat - 6
Start Type ? GullGutz
Flying Finish Upon Exit Grass Bomber Hanger

Track Description:

1. Spawn and takeoff NE.
2. Make a left turn AFTER passing the grass Bomber Hanger,
and fly towards the Town.
3. Keep Water Tower on your right, fly between Radar Towers,
and with a slight right turn, continue to City.
4. Pass under the City Bridge, and reverse in any manor to
go back to Town.
5. Again pass between the Radar Towers, and, keeping Water
Tower on your left, head back to A-8.
6. Set up for a SW to NE pass through the grass Bomber
Hanger. Exiting this hanger is end of lap/end of race.
7. From grass Bomber Hanger rejoin course by heading
back to the Town, and continue for 5 more laps.

Normal conditions:
Stay below tops of water and radar towers in town. These are
the only towers that are a factor.

Time set to 04:50 and it is still dark.
Object F08RDR000, the radar tower will be burning.

Good Luck to All Racers <S>


The Map: 


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