Race Tracks
Season 16 Race 9 RV Rampage 400
RV Rampage 400 (Season 16 Race 9)
Tuesday July 21st 2009, 10pm Eastern, 7PM Pacific.
Hosted by BMathis
Designed by BMathis
Sponsored by AHXARL
Plane Choice: BMathis
Previous Running: None
SEA 1 (See Below)
Terrain: avasml
Plane: RV-8
Start Field: A25
GullGutz Start
Take Off: North East
Fuel Burn: 1.0
Visibility: 17 miles
Vox Channel: 200
Time: 2:00 PM
Heats: 3
Laps per Heat: 2
Flying Finish: Grass Bomber Hanger A25
Views: F1, F3, CM eye
Course Description:
Take Off North East, turn right @ Radar for town.
Enter Town by flying under the Bridge in SW corner.
**Caution for Trees and buildings**
Turn Left for the Large Radar Tower, turn left around it.
Right around Water tower, contiuing Right 180
Fly Between northern most Stacks, make hard left
into second set of stacks.
Fly in any direction back to, and through the first stacks
Turn left for A25.
Fly through offset fighter hanger
Right around radar and fly through Pad BH
Slight Right through Grass BH.
4 times through Grass bomber hanger ends the race.