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Duel over Martaban

Artist Credit: daddog screen shot
Early in January the Rangoon defense was increased by several aircraft from the 1st squadron of the A.V.G. On January 13, the entire first Squadron joined the other
A.V.G forces at Rangoon. Air battles continued for weeks over Rangoon until it
finally fell to enemy ground forces at the end of February. This Snapshot represents
one of the many air battles that may have taken place over Rangoon. 
Country Percentages
American - 40% 
Japanese - 60%  
P-40C - 100% 
P-40 pilots are to roll from A1 or A4 and patrol over Rangoon. AVG may send out scouts.  
A6M2 - 50%
D3A - 50%  
D3A roll from A11 and attack Rangoon. A6M2 roll from A11 and escort D3A's Rangoon.  
D3A's must carry 1-250kg bomb and 2-60kg bombs. Any downed pilots may gun
 for the Val's.
Map shows A19. .Should be A4. Also, A23 and A25 are now simply A11
Victory Conditions:
Fighters - 10 points each
Bombers - D3A 15 points each
Structures - 3 points each
Ack - 2 points each
Arena Settings
1. Terrain - Rangoon
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Off
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting)
6. Visibility - 8 miles
7. Wind - South East 1000-14000, 10 knots
8. External view for bombers (F3) - on
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10. Enemy Collisions - on
11. Kill Shooter - off
12. Fuel 1.5
13. Ack .3
14. Time - 1030 X2 
Designer Notes
Ack is set low due to the vulnerability of the IJN aircraft. The most common fighter type at that time for the Flying Tigers to engage was the Type I-96 'Claude' or the Type I-97 'Nate'. The A6M2 will substitute for those.  
CM Notes
All fields west of the 10 line should be Allied. All fields east of the 10 line should be Axis.    
Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier 

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