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Pearl Harbor December 7th

Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7


Artist Credit: Daddog screen shot

Japanese military leaders recognized the United States Naval strength as the chief deterrent to war with the United States. Early in 1940, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, had initiated planning for a surprise attack on the United States Pacific Fleet at the beginning of any hostilities that the Japanese might undertake. The assumption was that before the United States could recover from a surprise blow, the Japanese would be able to seize all their objectives in the Far East, and could then hold out indefinitely. The Japanese fleet set out for Pearl Harbor on November 26th, 1941 with 6 aircraft carriers to a position NW of Hawaii. 405 Japanese Naval aircraft were to be used in the attack, which was split into 2 waves. The first wave commenced its attack a few minutes before 8:00 Hawaiian standard time. It targeted Battleship row and ground installations.  The attack was carried out by B5N bombers, D3A "Vals", and A6M2 "Zeros".

There will be 3 battleships sitting in "port" to simulate the attack, 1 of which being the USS Arizona. There also will be a number of cruisers and escort's helping to protect the battleships

We plan to re-create that tragic day at Pearl Harbor with this event.

Side Percentages:
60% Imperial Japanese Navy
40% United States Army Air Corp/Marine Corp

Imperial Japanese Navy:
25% B5Ns
25% D3As
50% A6M2s

Roll from Carriers 10,11 or 12. Attack CV groups near Wheeler Air Field (A50). There will be 3 Carriers designated as Battleships. You must sink 2 of the 3 so we can limit their navy's blue water capabilities. Also, certain facilities on the airbase are targets as well.

-A6M2s may carry bombs
-Must stay below 15k
-All TG's must stay in the exact sector that the aircraft were launched from

United States Army Air Corps/Marine Corp:
30% Brewster Buffalo
20% F4F Wildcat, 4 .50 Cal M2 package
50% P-40C

Scramble from Wheeler Air base (A50) and destroy incoming attack force!

-No bombs allowed
-Altitude cap of 3k until the base begins to flash. After the attack begins, there will be the general alt cap of 15 thousand feet.
-American aircraft are not permitted to leave the radar ring until after the base begins to flash.
-May not attack enemy CV groups.

Victory Conditions:
Battleship - 75 Points
Carrier - 30 Points
Destroyer - 10 Points
Ordnance: 2 Points
Troops: 2 Points
Fuel: 2 Points
Radar: 10 Points

B5N - 4 points
D3A - 2 points
A6M/P-40B - 1 point
Brewster/F4F - 2 points

Arena Settings:
1.   Terrain - Okinawa
2.   Icon Rage - 9000
3.   Wind - 10 mph to the west 2-15k
4.   Time - 7:30 hours x1
5.   Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 10 miles
6.   Enemy Collisions - On
7.   External View for Bombers (F3) - On
8.   Visibility - 9 miles
9.   Friendly Collisions - off
10.   Fuel - 1.0
11.   Ack - 0.1
12.   Kill Shooter - off
13.   Tower Range - 7 miles
14.   Radar - off

Designer Note:
Both sides will encounter a max altitude of 15k (Allies 3k until base flashes). If you dare to go above this altitude, you will encounter a fierce downwind in the hundreds of miles per hour.

CM note:
Wind - Max downdraft 15k and above. Bring a total of 5 CV groups just W of A50. Leave 3 CVs up, destroy other 2 carriers and 3 destroyers

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