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Supporting the Avalanche

Artist Credit: The U.S. Army at Salerno

In September of 1943, under the direction of Sir Benard Montgomery. The commanding general of the Eighth Army operating in southern Italy. The American Fifth Army was tasked with the invasion at Salerno, codenamed "Operation Avalanche". A firece air to ground operation took place to support thre invasion forces on the beach at Salerno. This to keep FieldMarshall Albert Kesselring from push the beachhead back into the ocean. Communications and transportation assets were targeted by the Allied air forces. This SNAPSHOT will reenact the struggle to support the invasion fleet at the Battle of Salerno.



Country Percentages

Allies 50%
Axis 50%


B-25C  25%
B-26B  25%
P-40F   16%
Spitfire V  16%
P-38G  16%

Allied Orders:

All aircraft will launch from A132.

All Allied bombers will bomb the cities to the north and east of Salerno.

The P-38s and Spitfire Vs will provide close escort for the bombers.

The P-40Fs will provide a CAP for the invasion fleet at Salerno.




BF109G-6  33%
FW190A-5  33%
JU88A-4   33%

Axis Orders:

All aircraft will launch from A97.

The JU88s will attack the invasion fleet off Salerno.

The FW190s will fly escort for the JU88s and dive bomb the enemy fleet.

The BF109s will intercept the inbound bombers attacking the cities outside of Salerno.


Victory Conditions:
The Allies destroy 180 objects between the three cities near Salerno. They must also destroy 10 enemy aircraft.
The Axis must sink two cruisers, two destryers, and four cargo ships.
The side that achieves their objectives first is the winner.
Arena Settings:
1. Terrain - Italy
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Wind - 0 mph
4. Time - 1730 hours
5. Fighter & Bomber warning range - 36,960 (about 7 miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External View of Bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility - 10 miles in Haze
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel - 1.0
11. Ack - 4
12. Kill Shooter - Off
13. Tower Range - 36,960 to match the warning range.
14. Radar - Off
Designer Notes:
The flights and objectives are fairly intense, so a second frame will not likely take place.
CM Notes:
The duty CM will need to find the fleet with the cargo ship and post it at Salerno.
Designed By:
Redtail7 July 2014

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