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Picchiatelli Over Malta

Picchiatelli Over Malta  


December, 1941 Malta. Continuing efforts by the Regia Aeronautica to interrupt RAF operations on Malta brought their supply of Picchiatelli (Stukas) to Sicily as well as their new fighter, the Macchi 202. The tiny island was a major thorn in the side of the Germans and Italians as it lay astride the re-supply routes from Italy and Sicily to North Africa. Malta was the perfect location to stage interception raids on Axis ships trying to reinforce troops in Cyrenaica. The Italians kept up the pressure on Malta by attacking both the port and shipping at Grand Harbor.


Country Percentages
R/A 70%
RAF 30%

Allies Units:
126 RAF Squadron
Hurricane IIC 100%

Roll from A177 with 100% fuel and defend City complex at Malta


Axis Units:
90a Squadriglia
Macchi 202's 50%

239a Squadriglie
Ju87Ds 50% 1000kg bomb

Roll A171 and escort Ju87 to Malta.
Ju87 Roll 172 and attack Malta with 1k bombs.

Mc202s escort the Ju87's to Malta.
Ju-87s primary targets is City complex at Malta 11,1,6.


Victory Conditions
Hurr IIc - 10
C202 - 10
JU87 - 15
City or Fact obj - 5
Ack - 1
Destroyers - 50

Arena Settings

  1. Terrain - Italy
  2. Icon Range - 9000
  3. Radar - Off
  4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
  5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to match the above setting)
  6. Visibility - 17 miles
  7. Wind - None
  8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
  9. Friendly Collisions - Off
  10. Enemy Collisions - On
  11. Kill Shooter - Off
  12. Fuel - 1.5
  13. Ack - .3
  14. Time - 10:00 X2
  15. Formations - On

Designer Notes
This mission represents the continuing grind of war on the RAF on Malta and it being generally overwhelmed in numbers. At this time the Hurricane IIC was capable of dealing with the Italian threat. It also highlights the operations of the Regia Aeronautica prior to the large scale involvement of the Luftwaffe over Malta.

JU87-D is substituted for JU87-B

Dedicated to TFancy, 416 RCAF

CM Notes
Bar DAR only for radar. A few ships should be stationed at the port to provide extra targets and anti aircraft fire. If numbers allow (40+ players) make both City and Fuel factory targets. 

Design By
Holder & Hening 880 FAA. Edited by daddog

Updated 05/14 by 68Raptor


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