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Maximum Effort



 Artist Credit: Aviation Artist Robert Taylor

Maximum Effort was the term used by American and British Bomber Commands to describe the amount of men, machines, and materials that would be committed to a particular mission. This SNAPSHOT will reenact a typical "Maximum Effort" callout to destroy targets in southern Romania.


Country Percentages
Allied- 60%
Axis- 40%

P-51B  70%
B-24J  15%
B-17G  15%

The B-24s will report to A99/13,14,1. The B-17s will report to A114/13,13,8 and the Mustangs will report to A114/14,13,6. The bombers under escort by the P-51s will enter enemy territory to bomb the Ammo factory at 13,9,6, the AAA factory at 13,9,6, and the Troop facility at 14,9,4 as primary targets. The A182 town will be the secondary target. 
The bombers may only carry the 500 .lb demolition bombs. Bombers must hit the primary target by T+50. The P-51s must carry a 100% fuel load out. The fighters may not carry ordnance. 
BF109G-14  40%
FW190A-8  40%
BF109G-6  20% 

The FW190A8s will launch from A75/9,18,6. The BF109G-14s will launch from A186/17,9,3. The BF109G-6s will launch from A185/16,17,9. All aircraft will attack and destroy incoming Allied bomber raid.

All fighter interceptors must carry 100% fuel and no air to ground ordnance. No Axis fighter may proceed south of the horizontal 17 sector line depicted as a yellow line.


 Victory Conditions

Axis fighters must allow as little damage to the support facilities as possible. Any facility or factory that is 100% destroy is an Allied victory. 

Arena Settings:
1. Terrain - Italy
2. Icon Range - Long
3. Wind - North West, 10k -35k @ 10kts
4. Time -12:00 x1
5. Fighter & Bomber Warning Range - 58,200 (about 10 Miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - on
8. Visibility - 8 miles
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10. Fuel - 1.0
11. Ack - 0.4
12. Kill shooter - off
13. Tower Range - 58,200 (for display to aid players, set to match above setting)
14. Radar - off

Designer Notes:
This SNAPSHOT will be a single frame, single life event due to the large area that will be covered by the participants. The point scoring should urge the side COs to plan for maximum effectiveness on both sides. The Norden bombsights should be set for MA standard. Allied fighter pilots that are shot down should be encouraged to gun for bombers still on bomb runs.

CM Notes:

Total Snapshot participants: 130
Allies: 60% (78) [63] [48] P-51 Mustangs, [15] B-17s, [15] B-24s
Axis: 40% (52) [20] BF109G-14s, [20] FW190A-8s, [12] BF109G-6s

Designed by Redtail7
Editied by Redtail7 on November 24th 2011.

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