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Christmas Over Germany


December 1944  Germany



Air Chief Marshal of Bomber Command from February 1942 till the end of the war in 1945 stated that he had no faith in the Oil Plan but added that, even so, he had ordered his Command to carry out the various Directives sent to him on this subject and make attacks on oil targets. This is true, but only up to a point. In December 1944 over 30 per cent of Bomber Commands attacks were on cities and fewer than 8 percent on oil.

We were returning from a daylight raid over France, relaxing was we neared the Channel and listening to Glen Miller on the radio when a Fw190 appeared alongside. The pilots was apparently out of ammo, for he flew along just out of range, grinning at us, giving us the thumbs-up, and pointing at the nude stradding a bomb that Colin Clark had painted on the nose - Bill Borrows

We take off at 0500 hrs and head in over Denmark and then south-east to the target. . the first squadron in does not get too much flak, but we catch hell! It seems like the sun is blotted out, and it is also accurate. They told us 85 guns would be turned on us and there were all that. The Germans also tried to cover the target using smoke pots, but the strong westerly winds blew it away.  Albert Jones

Excerpts from: The Bomber War by Robin Neillands

This event will focus on a daylight mission with multiple drops over several city targets.


Country Percentages

USAAF 60% (Rook)
LW 40% (Knight)

Allies Units:

Allies launch with the air starts at:

A70 (green path) attacks in the following order
City in 12.9
Capitol in 14.11
City in 12.12

A72 (yellow path) attacks in the following order
City in 12.9
Capitol in 14.11
City in 12.12

A73 (blue path) attacks in the following order
City in 12.12
Capitol in 14.11
City in 12.9

Each Allied air start will have available:

Escorts are to take 100% fuel with drop tanks.
Bombers are to take 100% fuel with 500lb bombs

Axis Units:
Bf-110G2 (suggest 110G2 use the airstart at A28)

Axis will have an air start at A28 with all aircraft enabled. And regular fields with all aircraft enabled at:

Pilots may not pursue Allied aircraft west of the 9 line. No vulching allowed. 

Fuel and gun package optional for all pilots.



Victory Conditions
Will be judged by the cities assigned as targets and what percent of those cities are destroyed and the percent of the bombers lost.

Arena Settings

  1. Terrain - Winter Rhine
  2. Icon Range- Short
  3. Radar - dot dar for bombers above 26k
  4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 79,200 about 15 miles
  5. Tower Range - 79,200 (for display to match the above setting)
  6. Visibility - 17 miles
  7. Wind - 270 degrees at 50 knots above 25,000
  8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
  9. Friendly Collisions - Off
  10. Enemy Collisions - On
  11. Kill Shooter - Off
  12. Fuel - 1.0
  13. Ack - .5
  14. Time - X2
  15. Formations - On

Designer Notes
This is a special event that can be considered a cross between Squad Operations and a weekly Snapshot. Some squads will be contacted prior to the event with some general orders, but walk on players are also welcome. This can be ran two full hours with unlimited lives for players or set use the limited death option allowing players two lives.

CM Notes
In general anything East of the Rhine R. should be Axis and or about the 11 vertical line. MOTD should note the air starts at A70, 72, and A73 for the Allies and A28 for the Axis.

Remind players that after the air start they should immediately:

-Nose down
-Gear up
-Engines on
-Gently pull up

Also make note of the winds and dot dar settings in the MOTD.
Depending on the number of players hosting CM can assign the number of targets.

About 100 players go with 1 target  A72 group to the 12.9
About 200 players go with 2 targets  A72 and A73 groups  to the 12.9 and 12.12 targets
About 300 players go with 3 targets  A70, A72, and A73 with all three targets noted on the map.

Design By
James daddog Glazier



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