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Freie Jagd

Freie Jagd


Artist Credit: Aces High Terrain Team

First Victories in the Battle of Britain.  The first fighter actions of the Battle of Britain took place over southeastern England during the late summer of 1940. On July 4th, in a series of isolated fights, one Hurricane and two Spitfires were shot down by Bf109's. A similar scenario was repeated three days later. The Bf109E's of JG51 shot down five Spitfires of No. 64 and 65 squadrons of the RAF, for no own losses. This was a promising start for the Luftwaffe, in a campaign that would prove to be their most bitter loss so far.


Country Percentages
RAF: 50%
LW: 50%


Hurricane Mk I - 70%
Spitfire Mk I - 30%

Roll A12
Our radar stations have spotted enemy aircraft over the English Channel. Intercept!



Bf 109E-4 - 70%
Bf 110C-4b - 30%

Roll A49
Perform a fighter sweep over southeastern England.




Victory Conditions
20 points for each victory.
Score multiplier based on mission result:
Landed: 100%
Ditched: 50%
Bailed: 25%
Captured: 10%
Killed: 10%

Arena Settings
1. Terrain - BoB4
2. Icon Range - Long
3. Radar - Dar Bar only
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 (about 10 miles)
5. Tower Range - 52,800(for display to aid players, set to match the above setting) 
6. Visibility - 10 miles 
7. Wind - East at 10 knots 0' to 12k
8. External view for bombers (F3) - on
9. Friendly Collisions - off 
10. Enemy Collisions - on 
11. Kill Shooter - off 
12. Fuel - 1.0
13. Ack - 0.6
14. Time - 1000 x1
15. Sectorcounteralt - 0
16. Sectorcounterrange - 52,800

Designer Notes
All players must turn 'friendly only icons' on with 'ALT-I. This is a one life event. The scoring system favors the side with fewer losses. Land the points!

CM Notes
Have fun!

Design By
Updated 03/08 by 68Raptor


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