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Germany's Greatest Ace

Germany's Greatest Ace


Artist Credit: Snap Shot provided by Skull12

On April 26, Adolf Galland led six Me 262's against a flight of B-26 Marauders heading south toward Munich. Galland approached the twin-engine medium bombers from the front, passing over them and then turning back; he would attack from the rear, in the prescribed manner. Galland released the safety on his rockets and 30mm cannon as the enemy's tail guns began to blink balefully. Tense and excited as usual in combat, he lined up his rockets on the rearmost Marauder. I was in the best firing position he said later; I had aimed accurately and pressed my thumb flat on the release button--with no result, Maddening! He had forgotten about a second safety on the missiles.


Country Percentages:
Allied: 50%
Axis: 50%

P-47D40 - 50%
B-26s - 50% -Formations Enabled

Airstart South from A97 and bomb the V2 rocket project in 11,3,3
(Ammo fact, AAA Fact and vehicle hangers at V63)
All planes must launch South for airstart at 29k 
P-47s may NOT carry ordnance, and have altitude limit of 30K
P-47s must stay in visual range of bombers until enemy contact
B-26s MUST carry 75% minimum fuel and have an altitude limit of 20K
B-26s MUST descend to a 20K max altitude before crossing the vertical 7 sector line  
B-26s MUST strike their target by T+60 or forfeit the frame


Me 262 -100%


Roll from A55 (Munich) defend the V2 Rocket project in 11,3,3
Must designate one (1) pilot as Galland.
ALT limit of 25K

Victory Conditions:
- 20 points per B26 destroyed
- 10 points per P-47 destroyed
- 15 points per Me262 destroyed - 100 points if Galland is shot down
- 10 points Vehicle Hangers - 2 points Ammo and AAA Fact
- 2 points Ack
- +5 points for all A/C that successfully RTB

Arena Settings:

1. Terrain - Germany
2. Icon Range -18,000 (full) 
3. Wind - None
4. Time - 1130 x1
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 63,360 (about 12 miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - on
7. External view for bombers (F3) - on
8. Visibility - 15 miles
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10.Fuel - 1.5
11.Ack - 0.3
12.Kill Shooter - off
13.Tower Range - 63,360 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting)
14.Radar - Full Friendly, Enemy Dar bar enabled 3 min refresh rate

Designer Notes:
This is a one life event. If time allows we may have two frames. Allied players who get shot down may gun for B-26's.

CM Notes:
Remind B-26s after launch they need to descend to 20k max altitude before crossing the vertical 7 sector line.

Design by:
Updated to AH2 by 68Raptor

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