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Artist Credit: hornet36

The Luftwaffe has been assigned to close shipping traffic in the English Channel in the opening days of The Battle of Britain. The date is 10 August, 1940 and German radar has been picking up Channel traffic close to the Southern English shore. Fleiger Korps VIII has been operating sorties against small convoys escorted by light navy ships. JU87 "Stuka" bombers have been hunting with great success while being escorted by BF110s out of Cherbourg. Its 17:00 hours and another group of ships have been detected trying to slip away in the late day's calm and orders are to find and destroy.

The RAF 609 Squadron has had a long day in their Hurricanes flying naval cover and pursuit of encroaching Luftwaffe bombers. So far they have been chasing ghosts and their aircraft are fully loaded with ammo and petrol when the scramble order comes in. "Seek and destroy all Luftwaffe, Godspeed!" crackles over their headsets as they lift off the field.


Country Percentages

LW - 60%  (Knights)
RAF - 40% (Bishop)


Hurricane I - 100%

Kenly Field (A14), 100% Fuel, CAP and defend convoys

RAF may refuel at any field in UK
Do not travel South of horizontal 10 line unless engaged with fighters.


Bf 110C-4b - 25%
Ju 87D-3 - 75%

Roll Cherbourg (A48)
Bf 110's 100% fuel, no bombs/rockets
Ju87's 100% fuel, 4x50kg gp bombs / 1x1000 kg bomb

Destroy Allied Shipping
LW damaged aircraft can land at any field in France.

BF110s must stay with bombers until RAF is spotted 


Victory Conditions
Allied Ship - 50
Hurricane - 20

BF110 - 20
JU87 - 25

Arena Settings
1. Terrain - Bob09
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Wind - None
4. Time -17:00 x2
5. Fighter & Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 (about 7 Miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - on
8. Visibility - 10 miles
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10. Fuel - 1.5
11. Ack - 0.2
12. Kill shooter - off
13. Tower Range - 36,960 for display to aid players, set to match above setting)
14. Radar - off

Designer Notes
Radar positions of convoys will be given by CM.
RAF will hold OTR until CM calls scramble
Downed LW can gun for JU87s and BF110s

CM Notes
Ship AAA should be on low setting
Battleships should be destroyed before events begins
CM controls convoy movements

Design By
Hening 880FAA
Edited By Hornet36

Updated 05/08 by 68Raptor
Updated 12/10 by mrmidi terrain correction

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