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Leningrad's Burning Embers



Artist credit: 68Raptor

In the months during the siege of Leningrad, the air war was crucial. It was hard to keep air superiority
over the city and its outskirts. Therefore, the German Luftwaffe consistently attacked the city, trying to
demoralize the population. In this snapshot, we will re-create a German bomber raid on Leningrad in mid 1942.


Country Percentages:
Axis  50%
Allies  50% 

German Luftwaffe:

40% Ju-88A-4's  (formations)
30% 109G-2's
30% 109F-4's

Ju-88's Launch from A4 (Seiskari). Bf-109s launch from A5 (Krasnaja Gorka). 109s will link up and escort the
Ju-88's to target (city complex at Leningrad) and Return To Base after the target is hit.

- 109G-2 ammo load out is up to C.O.
- Max altitude for 109s is 15K.
- Ju-88 max altitude is 12K.
- 109's must take a DT
- Ju-88's must take AT LEAST Twenty 50 kg bombs. They may take the external bombs as well.
- Ju-88's have 40 minutes from frame start to hit Leningrad. Any bombs hitting the target after that do not
count towards the final score.
- Absolutely NO vulching.
Soviet Air Force:

60% P-39D
40% P-40E

Launch from A14 (Tselovo) and establish a CAP over Leningrad and the surrounding area. Destroy
any and all bombers that attack Leningrad. Fighters may re-arm at A15 if need be.

- 15k Max altitude for fighters.
- All planes must take a DT.
- P-39D ammo load out is up to C.O.
- Red Air Force may use scouts. Scouts are not allowed to cross into the "4" column.
These scouts are allowed to track the bombers and give there position to the Main group,
but the main group is NOT allowed to attack them until Leningrad starts flashing.
- Absolutely NO vulching.


Victory Conditions:
15 points per Ju-88
10 points per single engine aircraft destroyed.
2 points per building destroyed.

Arena Settings:
1.   Terrain - Karelia
2.   Icon Rage - Short
3.   Wind - 5 knots east
4.   Time - 06:00 hours x1
5.   Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 39,960 (About 7 miles)
6.   Enemy Collisions - On
7.   External View for Bombers (F3) - On
8.   Visibility - 5 miles
9.   Friendly Collisions - off
10.    Fuel - 1.0
11.   Ack - 0.3
12.   Kill Shooter - off
13.   Tower Range - 39,960 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting)
14.   Radar - off

Cm notes:
-Downed pilots may gun for Ju-88's
-For extra immersion, if ran on a Wens. Night, you may set time to 22:00 (CM's discretion)

Designer Notes:
Please use the marvelous VVS skins we have for the P-39D and P-40E

Designed by SubwayCH

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