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Race Tracks

Season 6 Race 9 - Matterhorn 500

Event will run Tuesday November 21, 2006 10:00 PM Eastern
9:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Mountain 7:00 PM Pacific time,
and preregistration is NOT required but reading the arena
message IS.
Please review the arena message before asking the CM
questions on the course.
Previous Runnings:
Season 2 Race 11 
Hosted by TracerX
Designed by TracerX
Sponsored by AHeARL
Plane Choice by RDRTrash - Bf 190K-4
Terrain: Mindano
Start Field: 38 (KNIGHTS)
VOX channel: 200
Plane: Bf 109K-4
Fuel Burn: 3.0
Fuel: Your Choice
Takeoff W
F3 view enabled
Heats: 3
Laps per Heat: 3
GullGutz Start
Flying Finish at Double Bomber Hangers A38.

take off West, fly to town and do an s-Turn
Left, then right around the Radar Towers.
Use the supply road as a guide to find the
radar tower for the next turn. Turn right
and head to the City. Go under the bridge
and head to the radar tower at the end of
the supply road from the Vehicle base to the
North. Turn right and head back to the Town.
Do an S-turn Left then Right around the radar
towers and head to the air field. Turn left
around the radar tower and the Water tower
and line up for the finish line through the
double bomber hangers. Make a hard right
following the bomber hanger to start the next

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