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Race Tracks

Season 10 Race 8 - The LA Times


10:00 PM Eastern
9:00 PM Central,
8:00 PM Mountain
7:00 PM Pacific time

Preregistration is NOT required but reading the arena
message IS.

***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***


Hosted by HB555

Designed by HB555

Admin CM 4440

Sponsored by AHEARL

Plane Choice by bmathis LA-7

Terrain: Bob04
Start Field: A43 Knight
VOX channel: 200
Plane: LA-7
Fuel Burn: 2.0
Fuel: Your Choice
Takeoff: NE
View enabled:F3 external and F5 God?s Eye
Wx. Report: 5 mile visibility, light fog

Game time: Take off at 11:00 Hrs

Heats: 3
Laps per Heat: 2
GullGutz ( Normal ) Start
Flying Finish at bomber Hanger.

Flight Description:

-Take of Northeast

-Right U-turn for hanger fly through. Miss water tower by going to either side of it, but maintain alt restriction.

-Head to town, maintain alt restriction as you turn left between the radar towers, left around the water tower, and exit between the radar towers. Basicly, circle the water tower.

-Head for the northern part of the city, setting up for a left turn under bridge, continue left and back to town.

-Between the radar towers, right around the water tower and exit between the radar towers. Another basic circle the water tower and Alt restricted as before.

Back to the field, through the hanger and rejoin course by making the right for the next hanger fly through, and again avoid hitting the water tower.

Continue course for second and final lap.

Course Map:<edit> Corrected course map1

Map 2 City:

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