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Race Tracks

Season 16 Race 11 - The Aberdeen Cyclone (RETRO)

Season 16 Race 11 -  The Aberdeen Cyclone (RETRO)

Event will run: Tuesday, August 4 2009 at:
 10:00 PM Eastern
 9:00 PM Central,
 8:00 PM Mountain
 7:00 PM Pacific time,

Pre-registration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the course.

Previous Runnings: 
 s11r7 - Spit IX by bmathis- March 2008 - Hosted by 4440

***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***

Course Map and Description:


Arena Settings:
 Course Designed by: BearKats w/ input from the racing community
 Terrain - North Sea 
 Start Field ? A17 (Knight)
 Vox/Text ? Both 200
 Aircraft - Yak-9u (by Jerkins)
 Fuel Burn Rate - 2.0
 Fuel Load Out ? Your Choice
 Takeoff ? Southeast
 Views Enabled ? F3 (External) and F5 (Gods Eye)
 Heats ? 3
 Laps per Heat - 4
 Start Type ? GullGutz
 Finish: Flying Finish (Upon Exit of Double BH)

 Hosted by RDRTrash
 Sponsored by AHXARL

WIND: North to South 20 mph

1. Take off Southeast
2. Make left turn past the Radar Tower (NOTE:This is the only
time this tower is used as a marker)
3. Head for the town. Make a right 180 turn around the northern
most Radar Tower and pass between the 2 radar towers.
IE: North tower on your right South tower to your left.
4. Fly under the Bridge at the the city. After passing under
the bridge, you may turn left, right or do a verticle loop
and fly under the bridge a 2nd time. This is the Cyclone
5. After passing under the bridge the 2nd time, head for the
Southern most Shore Battery. Make a left 180 turn and
head for the Northern Battery. Keep the middle battery to
your right. Stay below the tops of all batteries.
6. Turn left past the Northern battery and head back to A17
7. When you approach the field you have 2 choices
 a. you may turn right and pass through the right
    side fighter hangar,  OR
 b. Make a right turn and go through the double BH

Regardless of either choice, this will be considered the
completion of a lap. Return to the Town and repeat for
required # of laps.

****You MUST go through the double BH at the end of Lap 4
for the finish****

Track Notes:

All turns are flat with the exception of the City Bridge
which is defined above.

Good Luck Racers!!! 

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