ARMAGEDDON: Japan Summer 1945
ARMAGEDDON: Japan Summer 1945
Along with the B-29 Superfortress there were many other types of Allied combat aircraft that were ranged against the Japanese Home Islands in 1945. Once Okinawa was secured both the USAAF 5th and 7th Air Forces began to sortie both B-24 and B-25 bombers from bases there. The new P-47N Thunderbolt groups flying Very Long Range (VLR) escort missions provided some of the escort. The USN and USMC also had land based units flying offensive sorties in Japanese home waters. In July of that year the final Allied carrier attacks began with 14 USN CVs of the Fast Carrier Task Force and 4 Royal Navy CVs of the British Pacific Fleet involved in the operation. Allied air power in addition to engaging enemy fighters, defending against air attacks on the fleet and providing strike escort also attacked any targets they could find including airfields, troop concentrations, port facilities, factories, and any and all merchant shipping and warships. The main aim of the offensive was to attrite Japanese defenses in preparation for the scehduled invasion of Kyushu codenamed Olympic slated for the fall of 1945.
The surviving veteran fliers of the IJN and IJAAF fighter units scrambled daily in a last ditch war of attrition over their homeland. The 'Special Attack Force' (Kamikazes) also continued to sortie a large number of missions against Allied naval forces massing in the region. The combined Allied air offensive on Japan would continue untill early August 1945 when the carrier force was withdrawn in anticipation of the 'Silverplate' atomic bomb missions on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which ultimately brought about Imperial Japans unconditional surrender and an end to the centurys most destructive conflict.
This FSO recreates the final aireal battles of Word War 2 as the combined might of the Allied land and sea based air forces are pitted against the last of Japans defenses.
Country Percentages:
Axis 50%
Allied 50%
Field Assignments:
Allied Knight
CM Rook
N1K2 (max 48)
A6M5b (min 36)
Ki-67 (max 36 *players*)
F4U-1C (max 20)
F6F-5 (min 60)
Seafire IIc (max 32)
B-24J (max 16 *players*)
B-25C/H (max 16 *players*)
Recon Aircraft: F4U-1P (F4U-1A, 4 per frame) *Special mission aircraft
B-24 = 15 pts
Twin engined bomber = 10 pts
TBM = 10 pts
Fighter = 5 pts
Recon fighter = 25 pts
Landing Bonus = 5 pts
Ground Target Pts
Gun = 1 pt
Ammo Bunker = 3 pts
Barracks = 3 pts
Radar = 3 pts
Vehicle Hangar = 25 pts
Fighter Hangar = 25pts
Bomber Hangar = 25 pts
Town Building = 3 pts
Factory at strategic target = 3 pts
Truck in convoy = 1 pt
Train = 2 pts
Destroyer = 25 pts
Cruiser = 50 pts
Carrier = 100 pts
Recon Mission = 25 pts
Arena Settings:
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons short (3k)
- 0.5 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Haze/fog full visibility (17 miles)
- Radar on
- Radar settings: 25 mile tower based with a 1 min update and alt of 300 ft. Bar dar off.
- Enemy collisions on
- Friendly collisions off
- Killshooter off
- Time: 15:00 ( 3PM ) Game Clock
- Formations: On
- Bomber calibration: Manual
10K-18K W TO E - Speed 10
18k-26K W TO E - Speed 20
26k+ SW TO NE - Speed 40