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Race Tracks

Season 14 Race 2 - Over The Hill 500

Over the Hill 500
Season 14 Race 2 - Over The Hill 500     

Event will run Tuesday November 25, 2008 10:00 PM Eastern
9:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Mountain 7:00 PM Pacific time,
Pre-registration is NOT required,
reading the arena MOTD IS required.
Designed by BMathis
Aircraft Choice by BMathis
Race Marshall by BMathis
CM Host by RDRTrash
Sponsored by AHXARL
Previous Runnings:  None
Terrain - Ndisles
Start Field ? A-37
Take Off Direction: SouthWest
Plane Choice ? "Meat in the Middle Single" 
  (Bf 109G-6, C.205, F4U-1A, Ki-84-Ia, P-47D-11, Spitfire Mk IX, or Yak 9U)
Fuel Burn Rate ? 0.10 (one tenth)
Fuel Load ? Your Choice. 100% will guarantee you finish
Communications ? Vox and Text Channel 200
Views Enabled ? F1 ( Normal ), F3 (external), F5 (God?s Eye)
Heats ? 3
Laps Per Heat- 5
Start Type ? GullGutz
Finish ? Flying Finish ( Exiting NW Bomber Hanger on Big Pad )
Visibility: 10.0 miles
Time: 07:11 hours (7:11 am, bring your shades)

Course Description:
1. Take off on SW runway

2. Make a left turn around radar tower followed by a right turn
around water tower, and then back in between them again.
(Theses are considered two Gate Turns - Yoyo's allowed)

3. Fly Through NW Bomber Hanger on Big pad (visually left-most).

4. Exiting hanger, turn right and head "Over The Hill" to the town.

-Altitude restrictions in effect throughout entire town area-
--Flat turns only--

5. At Town, Fly through both Radar Towers as a Gate,
then make a left around the Water Tower,
then fly back through Radar Towers Gate.

6. Head back to Field, it's just "Over The Hill".

7. At the field, make a left turn around radar tower,
followed by a right turn around water tower,
and then back in between them again.
(Theses are considered two Gate Turns - Yoyo's allowed)

8. Fly through NW Bomber hanger on Big Pad, completing lap1.
(This is also the finish line after 5 laps)

9. Repeat 4 through 8 for 5 laps total.



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