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Marianas Madness



The Battle of the Philippines Sea, also known as “The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot” by American pilots, was the Japanese Navy’s final attempt to hold the Marianas Island chain in the South Pacific during 1944. It was also the fifth and final large-scale carrier to carrier battle of the surface and air war in the South Pacific. The Japanese began the battle outnumbered and in desperate need of a victory. The Japanese forces were outnumbered by well over 200 hundred aircraft. In addition to the Americans overwhelming numbers of aircraft, the Americans fielded 7 fleet carriers and 8 light carriers, while the IJN could only muster 5 fleet carriers and 4 light carriers. 

The final result of the battle yielded great losses for Japanese Naval and Army Air forces and placed the Americans in a firm position to be unchallenged at sea for the remainder of the conflict.

Join the Aces High CM Team as we recreate the hot South Pacific air action in Marianas Madness.

Picture1      Image result for Japanese Fleet at the Marianas      mmpic1    


Country Percentage

Axis  50% 

Allies 50%                   

  mmpic8 mmpic10


Event Planeset












TG 58

Ki-43 (Dive Bombers)

Min 8



Min 8

TG 58

Ki-67 (No formations)

Min 8



Min 8

TG 58 


Min 16


FM-2 Min 16 TG 58


mmpic7    Image result for Japanese Fleet at the Marianas  mmpic5




Possible Target Types:  

CV – Aircraft Carriers

CA – Cruiser

DD – Destroyer

VH – Vehicle Hangar

BH – Bomber Hangar

FH – Fighter Hangar


mmpic9  Image result for Japanese Fleet at the Marianas  mmpic3


Aircraft Ordnance:


Ki-67 – 1x 800 Kg Type 1 Torpedo or 3x 250 Kg bombs

Ki-43 Dive Bomber - 2x 250 Kg bombs


SBD-5 – 1x 1000 lb. bomb 

TBM-3 – 1x 2000 lb. Mk 13 Torpedo or 4x 500 lb. bombs


Special Event Rules and Restrictions

  • This is a one life event. Pilots may not re-plane at their home airfields.
  • Ordnance for each aircraft will be set by the host CM in the hangar.
  • Aircraft may rearm and refuel at any friendly non-neutral airfield or ship.
  • All Ki-43s are stand-in aircraft for the D3N1 dive bomber. These aircraft are not considered fighters. These aircraft must carry their ordnance to target and attack or die trying. Only after an attack has been made with the Ki-43 may these aircraft fly other operations.
  • The Ki-67 level bomber with formations set off, are restricted to an altitude 15K and below.
  • The Ki-67 may not dive bomb.
  • The TBM-3 may be used as a dive bomber.
  • The attack before T+60 rule must be complied with under penalty of non-compliance.
  • Secondary missions to achieve primary objectives are allowed.
  • Neither side will have the option to steer their fleets.
  • All ships will have a sink weight of 2,000 lbs.
  • Hangars will have the same destruction weight as the shipping 2,000 lbs.
  • An aircraft designated as a fighter, may not strafe down a hangar or ship. Ships and hangars destroyed by A6Ms, Ki-61s, F6Fs or FM-2s will not be scored.
  • All aircraft must be landed by the end of hostilities or those aircraft will be counted as destroyed for the opposing side.



Event Scoring

*Note: The maximum hard target point score for each side is up to 6 hangars or ships. If both sides achieve up to this level, the winner will be decided by the number of aircraft shot down.

Allied Targets

  Hangars 10 pts (A small base has 6 available hangars to                      attack.)

  Ships   10 pts (Fleets are constructed of 6 ships within                    each fleet.)

  Opposing aircraft destroyed – 1 pt.

Axis Targets

  Ships   10 pts

  Opposing aircraft destroyed – 1 pt.

Arena Settings

  • Terrain map: Marianas
  • Fuel burn rate: 1.0
  • Anti-aircraft gun strength: 0.2
  • Bombsight calibration: AUTOMATIC (MA standard)
  • Icons: 3.0K yards (9,000 feet)
  • Sector Radar ("bar dar"): OFF
  • Dot Radar: OFF
  • Fighter and Bomber warning range: 36,960 feet (7 miles)
  • Tower range set to 36,960 feet (for display only, to match the above setting)
  • Haze range: 15 miles
  • Friendly collisions: OFF
  • Enemy collisions: ON
  • Kill shooter: OFF
  • Stall Limiter: Set ON (Players may disable)


  Altitude     Speed      Direction

   00 - 02K      0         NO WIND

   02 - 10K      05        SW -> NE

   10 - 18K      13        SW -> NE

   18 - 26K      27        SW -> NE

   26 - 30K â–²    38        DOWNDRAFT â–¼

Arena Clock:

Frame 1        06:30    (6:30 AM, Morning)

Frame 2        09:00    (9:00 AM, Morning)

Frame 3        17:00    (5:00 PM, Evening)

Designer – AKWarHwk October 2017

Designer Notes:


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