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Burma Backwater-Stalemate in the CBI 1943


The airwar in Burma in 1943 was something of a forgotten one.  With both the Allies and the Japanese focused elsewhere in the Pacific and the Mediterranean There was little movement on the ground in Burma.  Having driven the British back into India, the Japanese seemed content to consolidate their positions and harass the Allies from the air.  The British, while determined to hit back, had most of their resources tied up in Europe and the Med. From bases in China the USAAF also made tentative raids into Burma.  With their limited and somewhat outdated aircraft, the Allies seemed content to bomb Rangoon, one of the most heavily defended targets in Southeast Asia to interrupt Japanese shipping while attacking Japanese outposts throughout Burma from the air tying up Japanese resources that were desperately needed in the Pacific


Nowhere else would you find the Hurricane IIc still the front line fighter for the RAF outside of Burma.  Even more surprisingly the other frontline RAF fighter right up to 1944 was the Curtiss Hawk 75 or Mohawk as it was called by the RAF. Towards the end of 1943 the first Spitfire Vc arrived in theater already obsolete in the ETO and MTO but a great improvement over the current RAF fighters.  Opposing it were the Ki-43 Oscars of the Japanese Army Air Force along with a small number of pre-production Ki-44 Tojo fighters.


Japanese Army twin engine and single engined bombers escorted by fighters attacked British air bases and targets of opportunity.  Blenheim twin engined bombers and Vultee Vengeance dive bombers did most of the bombing work for the RAF along with a few B-24 Liberators and B25C Mitchell's of the USAAF flying out of China.


Allied Aircraft- Five of six aircraft types must be flown


Hurricane IIC  (RAF)

P-40E  Warhawk (USAAF)

Seafire IIC  Max. 45 (Sub for Spitfire Vc Trop)

B-25  Mitchell  Min. 30 – 15 for RAF and 15 for USAAF (Formations enabled)
B-24  Liberator  Max. 20 (Formations enabled)

Dauntless (Sub for RAF Vultee Vengeance)        


Axis Aircraft- Four of five aircraft types must be flown


A6M3 Zero (Sub for Ki-43)

KI-84  Frank  Max. 45 (Sub for Ki-44)

G4M1  Betty  Min. 20

B5N  Kate  (Bombs only) 

KI-61  Tony




A1, A4, A7, A12

Plane Restrictions: P-40E, B-24 and B-25 (USAAF) are only allowed to use A12 and only these planes may use A12.  Allied planes may land and rearm at all friendly fields.



A11, A36, A37, A38, A39

Axis planes may land and rearm at all friendly fields.


Scoring Points


Fighters – 1 point

Allied Twin Engined Bombers – 2 points

Allied Four Engined Bombers – 5 points

Axis Bombers – 5 points

Strategic Factory Buildings – 1 point

Fighter Hangar – 20 points

Bomber Hangar – 20 points

Vehicle Hangar – 20 points

Guns – 1 point

Fuel – 2 points

Ord. – 2 points

Barracks – 2 points

Radar – 10 points
Designed by CorkyJr 

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