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The Battle of The Coral Sea


May 2013 some 71 years after the original battle we will have the opportunity to relive this historic battle.  

The Japanese Port Moresby Invasion Force, commanded by Rear Admiral Kōsō Abe, included 11 transport ships carrying about 5,000 soldiers from the IJA's South Seas Detachment plus approximately 500 troops from the 3rd Kure Special Naval Landing Force (SNLF). Escorting the transports was the Port Moresby Attack Force with one light cruiser and six destroyers under the command of Rear Admiral Sadamichi Kajioka. Abe's ships departed Rabaul for the 840-nautical-mile (1,556 km) trip to Port Moresby on May 4 and were joined by Kajioka's force the next day. The ships, proceeding at 8 knots (9 mph; 15 km/h), planned to transit the Jomard Channel in the Louisiades to pass around the southern tip of New Guinea to arrive at Port Moresby by May 10.[19] The Allied garrison at Port Moresby numbered around 5,333 men, but only half of these were infantry and all were badly equipped and undertrained.


Leading the invasion of Tulagi was the Tulagi Invasion Force, commanded by Rear Admiral Kiyohide Shima, consisting of two minelayers, two destroyers, six minesweepers, two subchasers, and a transport ship carrying about 400 troops from the 3rd Kure SNLF. Supporting the Tulagi force was the Covering Group with the light carrier Shōhō, four heavy cruisers, and one destroyer, commanded by Rear Admiral Aritomo Gotō. A separate Cover Force (sometimes referred to as the Support Group), commanded by Rear Admiral Kuninori Marumo and consisting of two light cruisers, the seaplane tender Kamikawa Maru, and three gunboats, joined the Covering Group in providing distant protection for the Tulagi invasion. Once Tulagi was secured on May 3 or 4, the Covering Group and Cover Force were to reposition to help screen the Port Moresby invasion.Inoue directed the MO operation from the cruiser Kashima, with which he arrived at Rabaul from Truk on May 4.


Gotō's force left Truk on April 28, cut through the Solomons between Bougainville and Choiseul and took station near New Georgia Island. Marumo's support group sortied from New Ireland on April 29 headed for Thousand Ships Bay, Santa Isabel Island, to establish a seaplane base on May 2 to support the Tulagi assault. Shima's invasion force departed Rabaul on April 30.[24]


The Carrier Strike Force with carriers Zuikaku and Shōkaku, two heavy cruisers, and six destroyers sortied from Truk on May 1. The strike force was commanded by Vice Admiral Takeo Takagi (flag on cruiser Myōkō) with Rear Admiral Chūichi Hara, on Zuikaku, in tactical command of the carrier air forces. The Carrier Strike Force was to proceed down the eastern side of the Solomon Islands and enter the Coral Sea south of Guadalcanal. Once in the Coral Sea, the carriers were to provide air cover for the invasion forces, eliminate Allied air power at Port Moresby, and intercept and destroy any Allied naval forces which entered the Coral Sea in response.
Axis: 55%
  A6M2 "Zero" - 70 MAXIMUM
  B5N2 "Kate" - 30 minimum
  D3A1 "Val" - 30 minimum
 - All 3 of the carrier-based aircraft types must be used in each frame.

C-32= Light CV Shoho: A6M2, D3A1(250KG GP BOMB ONLY)(with level and dive bomb sights), B5N (TORPEDO ONLY)

C-33= CV Shokaku: A6M2, D3A1(250 KG BOMB GP ONLY), B5N (TORPEDO ONLY)
C-34= CV Zuikaku: A6M2, D3A1 (250KG GP BOMB ONLY), B5N (TORPEDO ONLY)
Allies: 45% 
  F4F-4 "Wildcat" - 70 MAXIMUM
  TBM-3 "Avenger" - 30 minimum
  SBD-5 "Dauntless" - 30 minimum
 - All 3 of the carrier-based aircraft types must be used in each frame.


  1.) No more than 70 aircraft may be based on an aircraft carrier 
  2.) All fleets must be assigned to be attacked by at least 20 aircraft (strike, sweep and/or escort) 
  3.) Bomber formations are not enabled
  4.) Fighters (A6M and F4F) may not carry bombs or rockets (drop tanks are optional)
  5.) The USN F4F-4 is a stand-in for the correct F4F-3 and so must use the 4-gun armament
  6.) Carrier-based torpedo planes (B5N and TBM) may not carry bombs or rockets 
  7.) Players may not man guns on ships
  8.) Players who have lost their aircraft may join as gunners to any dive-bomber, torpedo plane, or search plane
  9.) Fleets must stay in their assigned zones on the map
  Fighter Aircraft:  15 point
  Single-engined Bomber:  10 points
  Destroyer:  15 points
  Cruiser:  15 points
  Aircraft Carrier:  25 points
  Survival Bonus:
  10 points for each pilot that lands on any friendly CV at the conclusion of her last sortie.
- Coral Sea map
  - Axis country Knight
  - Allied country Bishop
  - Neutral country Rook
  - Fuel burn rate 1.0
  - Ack strength 0.1   - icons range 9000 feet  (or 3.0k yards)
  - Fighter and bomber warning range 63,360 feet (12 miles)
  - Tower range set to 63,360 feet (for display only, to match warning range)
  - Haze/fog: full visability (15 miles)
  - Radar: OFF
  - Enemy collisions: ON
  - Friendly collisions: OFF
  - Killshooter: OFF
  - Time: 07:00 ( 7 AM ) Game Clock
  - Formations: OFF
  - Wind:NONE


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