Case Blue 1942

Case Blue - The German Summer Offensive of 1942
Case Blue ("Fall Blau" in German) was the name of the strategic plan to attack Russia in the Summer of 1942. One of the opening moves of the offensive was made against the city of Voronezh on the Don river. Seizing the river crossing at Voronezh was intended to secure the northern flank of the Wehrmacht's planned axis of attack: south-east along the the Don to the Volga, Stalingrad, and beyond. The ultimate aim of Fall Blau was to capture the Caucasus oil fields.
The battle for Voronezh would begin with Hoth's 4th Panzer Army attacking Vatutin's Southwestern Front...
Axis: 50%
Allies: 50%

Messerschmitt Bf-109E-4 "Emil" min 10 - max 20
Messerschmitt Bf-110C-4b "Zerstorer" min 10 - max 20
Messerschmitt Bf-109F-4 "Franz" min 20 - NO max
Junkers JU-88A-4 min 10 - max 20 (see note)
Heinkel HE-111H min 10 - max 20 (see note)
Junkers JU-87D-3 "Stuka" min 10 - max 20
Bell P-39D "Airacobra" min 10 - max 20
Curtiss P-40E "Kittyhawk" min 10 - max 20
Yakovlev Yak-7B min 20 - NO max
North American B-25C Mitchell min 10 - max 20 (see note)
Douglas Boston Mk.III min 10 - max 20 (see note)
Ilyushin Il-2 Type 3 "Shturmovik" min 10 - max 20
Minimums and maximums for the JU-88, HE-111, B-25, and Boston are for pilots - not planes - and so do not include drones.
1.) This is a one-life event
2.) Minimums and maximums for aircraft must be observed
3.) Formations of the JU-88, HE-111, B-25, and Bostons, are required.
4.) See list below for aircraft armaments that have been disabled - all others are available
5.) Level bombsight calibration is AUTOMATIC (MA standard)
6.) Planes are only enabled for launch at airbases that are designated as "active" (see frame objectives)
7.) Planes may re-arm (or "hot pad") at any friendly airbase
8.) Each side will have two targets to hit, and two areas to defend.
9.) All planes still in flight at T+120 will be scored as KIA
10.) All bomber aircraft (JU-87, HE-111, JU-88, B-25, Boston, Il-2) are limited to a maximum altitude of 15,000 feet
The following armament options are dis-abled so the existing planes in the software can represent planes flown on the Russian Front in the Summer of '42. Any items NOT listed below are still available.
8x .50cal MG, 350 rounds/gun
2x .50cal MG in top turret, 400 rpg
Bombsight unavailable due to solid
nose strafer configuration
2x .50cal MG in top turret, 400 rpg
Bombsight unavailable due to solid
nose strafer configuration
8x .50cal MG, 350 rpg
2x .50cal MG, 400 rpg
Bombsight unavailable due to semi-
solid nose strafer configuration
2x .50cal MG, 400 rpg
Bombsight unavailable due to semi-
solid nose strafer configuration
1000lb bomb
JU-88: torpedoes
JU-87: 1800 Kg GP bomb
JU-87: 1800 Kg GP bomb
1000 Kg GP bomb
1000 Kg AP bomb
500 Kg SAP bomb
HE-111: torpedoes
1800 Kg HC bomb
1000 Kg GP bomb
Il-2: RS-132 rockets
NS-37 37mm cannon
P-39: M4 37mm cannon

Aircraft Points
JU-88, HE-111, B-25, Boston 5 points
JU-87, Bf-110, Il-2 3 points
all other aircraft 1 point
Ground Target Points
Vehicle Hangar 25 points
Fighter Hangar 25 points
Bomber Hangar 25 points
Ammo Bunker 3 points
Fuel Dump 3 points
Barracks 3 points
Radar 3 points
Gun 1 point
NO POINTS are awarded for:
1.) civilian buildings in towns and cities
2.) structures at bases which are not assigned as targets (accurate navigation is important!)
Landing Bonus for returning to base
A good landing at an airbase at the end of the Frame earns 5 points per pilot.
Friendly Fire Penalty
Shooting down a fellow countryman incurs a penalty equal to two times the normal aircraft value (see Aircraft Points, above.)

Terrain Map: "blacksea"
Fuel Burn Rate Multiple: 1.0
Icon Ranges: 9,000 feet (3.0K yards)
Auto-Ack Strenth: 0.5 (i.e., nasty)
Fighter and Bomber Warning Range: 79,200 feet (15 miles)
Tower Range: 79,200 feet (15 miles)
Haze/Fog Visability: 15 miles
Level Bombsight Calibration: AUTOMATIC (MA standard)
Radar: OFF
Enemy Collisions: ON
Friendly Collisions: OFF
Killshooter: OFF (aim carefully!)
Formations: ON
Stall Limiter: ON (not mandatory, but available as player's choice)
Game Clock
Frame 1: 10:00 (10:00 AM, Morning)
Frame 2: 12:00 (12:00 PM, Noon)
Frame 3: 14:00 (2:00 PM, Afternoon)
00 - 02K NW -> SE speed 5
02 - 08K NW -> SE speed 10
08 - 14K NW -> SE speed 15
14 - 20K NW -> SE speed 20
20 - 22K NW -> SE speed 25
22k+ DOWNDRAFT speed -199 (altitude limit)

Version 1.03, 16-July-2017
This setup is adapted from the Voronezh design for the May 2014 FSO. The scale of this map is 1:2. One mile on this map represents two miles in reality. The fuel burn rate of 1.0 is, therefore, not to scale. The airbase and vehicle base ground targets represent armies, defensive positions, and armored vehicle assembly areas.
P-40E: represents the Kittyhawk Mk.Ia export version
P-39D: stand-in for the P-400 export version
Bf-109E-4: represents both the E-4/B and E-7 fighter-bomber ("Jabo") versions
Bf-110C-4b: stand-in for the several D, E, and F variants flown in Russia during the Summer of '42
Design by Bino for the December 2015 FSO.
Edited by BFOOT1 for July 2017 FSO.