TO THE GATES OF WARSAW: Operation Bagration 1944

TO THE GATES OF WARSAW: Operation Bagration 1944
On June 22nd 1944 the Soviets launched Operation BAGRATION a massive offensive to destroy German Army Group Center and drive the Red Army through Byelorussia and into eastern Poland. The Wehrmachts OKH underestimated the threat posed by the Soviet forces facing Army Group Center and had redeployed much of it's tanks and artillery to the Southern front in the Ukraine where the German high command expected the next major Soviet attack. The failure to understand Soviet strategic plans in June 1944 was the second major intelligence failure for the Germans that year. The first being the conculsion that the major Allied cross channel invasion would come at Pas-de-Calais rather than Normandy.
The Soviets achieved strategic surprise. The German Army lost some 17 divisions completely destroyed and some 300,000 men lost in the fighting. Soviet losses were also high losing 178,507 troops on all four fronts. By August 19th after 5 weeks of fighting the Red Army was at the outskirts of Warsaw. The destruction of Army Group Center was one of the German Armies worst defeats of World War 2 rivaling the loss at Stalingrad in 1943.
The fighter and ground attack units of Luftflotte 6 were heavily outnumbered by the 6th and 16th Air Armies of the VVS. In addition to their numerical superiority the VVS regiments were gradually being equipped with an ever larger number of improved aircraft that narrowed the gap with the performance advantages of German machines.
This FSO recreates the fighting of the opposing air fleets of Hitler and Stalin during the campaign.
Country Percentages:
Axis 48%
Allied 52%
Field Assignments:
Axis Bishop
Allies Knight
CM Rook
Axis (Luftwaffe):
Fw 190A-8 (max 24)
Country Percentages:
Axis 48%
Allied 52%
Field Assignments:
Axis Bishop
Allies Knight
CM Rook
Axis (Luftwaffe):
Fw 190A-8 (max 24)
Bf 109G-6 (min 20)
Bf 109G-14
Soviet (VVS):
Yak-3 (max 24)
Yak-9T (min 20)
Tu-2 (min 20)
IL-2 Sturmovik
Special Rules and Ordnance Restrictions:
* All aircraft must be used by a minimum of 12 *players*.
* The AXIS have no attack objectives in this setup.
* Formations are enabled for bombers.
Bf 109G-14
Soviet (VVS):
Yak-3 (max 24)
Yak-9T (min 20)
Tu-2 (min 20)
IL-2 Sturmovik
Special Rules and Ordnance Restrictions:
* All aircraft must be used by a minimum of 12 *players*.
* The AXIS have no attack objectives in this setup.
* Formations are enabled for bombers.
* Bombers are limited to 20,000 feet.
* P-39 has gondolas disabled.
Aircraft Pts
Aircraft Pts
Bomber = 10 pts
Attack = 10 pts
Fighter = 5 pts
Landing Bonus = 2 pts
Target Pts
Gun = 0.5 pts
Hangar = 25 pts
All Other = 3 pts
Arena Settings:
- Black Sea terrain
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons friendly 3k/enemy 3k
- 0.3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Haze/fog full visibility (17 miles)
- Radar off
- Enemy collisions on
- Friendly collisions off
- Killshooter off
- Time: 15:00 ( 3PM ) Game Clock
- Formations: On
- Formation Autopilot: On
- Bomber calibration: Automatic
- Wind: 0K-2K NO WIND
2K-18K E TO W - Speed 5
18K-24K SE TO NW - Speed 10
24K+ SE TO NW - Speed 15
Designer's Notes:
Target Pts
Gun = 0.5 pts
Hangar = 25 pts
All Other = 3 pts
Arena Settings:
- Black Sea terrain
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons friendly 3k/enemy 3k
- 0.3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Haze/fog full visibility (17 miles)
- Radar off
- Enemy collisions on
- Friendly collisions off
- Killshooter off
- Time: 15:00 ( 3PM ) Game Clock
- Formations: On
- Formation Autopilot: On
- Bomber calibration: Automatic
- Wind: 0K-2K NO WIND
2K-18K E TO W - Speed 5
18K-24K SE TO NW - Speed 10
24K+ SE TO NW - Speed 15
Designer's Notes:
*The P-39Q in Russian service typically had the .50 caliber underwing guns removed.
Design by Warloc