Operation Bagration
Operation Bagration: Summer 1944
Operation Bagration was an offensive into Eastern Europe from the Red Army. This offensive and subsequent battles took place in Belarus, Eastern Poland, and even into the Baltic countries. This operation was a major push from Russia pushing German forces back to Germany. For nearly three months, the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe fought a retreating battle while the Red Army and VVS continued to push them back. Over 2.3 million soldiers took part in this offensive.
Our event will focus on the fighting around the city of Vitebsk, Belarus in the summer of 1944.
Side Split: 50% Allies/50% Axis
Luftwaffe |
La-5FN |
MAX16 |
Bf 109G-14 |
MAX 8 |
Yak-9T |
Bf 109G-6 |
P-39Q |
FW 190A-5 |
MAX 8 |
A-20G |
FW 190F-8 |
Special Rules:
All aircraft have a 16K altitude cap.
Bombs disabled on FW 190A-5 and Bf 109G-14.
30mm option is disabled on Bf 109G-14.
Rockets disabled on FW 190F-8.
- Aircraft - 1
- Bunkers (Radar, Ordnance, Barracks, Fuel) - 3
- Town Buildings - 0.2
- Recommended Skins List:
Arena Settings:
- Terrain: russia
- Clouds: light5k
- Fuel Burn: 1.0
- Icons: 3K Friendly/Enemy
- Ack: .3
- Fighter and Bomber warning range: 52800 (about 10 miles)
- Tower range set to 52800 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Haze/Fog: 15 miles
- Radar: Off
- Enemy collisions: on
- Friendly collisions: off
- Killshooter: off
- Time: 1000 (10AM) Game Clock
- Formations: Off
- Formation Autopilot: On
- Bomber calibration: Automatic
- Wind:
2K-8K: S TO N - Speed 5
8K-16K: SW TO NE - Speed 10
16K+: 65 MPH Downwind
Area of Operations: