Fifteenth AF Northern Italy
Artist Credit: Screen shot: APDrone | |||||||||
Background Information
While the Eighth Air Force focused on bombing Germany, down in ItalyÂ
a long-running campaign against transportation and industry has been raging on.  The Fifteenth Air Force, based out of places with names like Torretto, Pantanella, Vincenzo, Ramitelli, Lesina, and Madna, continued to pound the German war machine.   During its 18 months of existence, the 15th dropped over 300,000 tons of bombs on targets in 12 countries of Europe, including military installations in eight capital cities. Its combat personnel logged 148,955 heavy bomber sorties and 87,732 fighter sorties at the cost o 3,364 aircraft lost and 21,671 personnel killed, wounded, missing and taken prisoner -- 20,430 bomber crewmen and 1,187 fighter pilots.  Â
This Squad Operation series recreates some of the action in late 1944 when escortedÂ
B-17s and B-24s continued their strikes against targets in Northern Italy/Austria while fighter-bombers crippled ground transportation units.  Arena Country Percentages Â
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Victory Conditions Convoys and Trains are 200pts for the entire object. Points awarded to defenders for percentage not destroyed. Strategic targets are 400 points awarded by percentage destroyed. Points awarded to defenders for percentage not destroyed.  Arena Settings - Visibility - Variable per frame. Frame 1: 12 miles
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 8 miles (42000) - Tower based radar 8 miles (42000) - Radar off - Friendly collisions off - Killshooter on at launch. Killshooter turned off when fields are closed.( T+15 minutes ) - No wind - Set game clock to 12 noon  Â
Designer Notes
CM Notes
Setup CM:Â For full manual calibration, see the following thread: Â November FSO- Mighty Eighth - WARNING TO BOMBER PILOTS Â Â Design By |