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The Final Victory - Kharkov 1943

The Final Victory: Kharkov 1943

Erich Hartmann, Me-109 Ace

During the months of February and March of 1943, the Wehrmacht was pushing east from the Dnieper River and toward Russia. The next city in the Wehrmacht's path was on the Russian border of Ukraine, Kharkov. Twice the Soviets and Germans had fought over the city since the war began, in February 1943, the Third Battle of Kharkov would take place. Gen. Erich von Manstein commanded the German forces which consisted of the 1st and 4th Panzer Army along with an SS Panzer Corps. The Soviets were commanded by committee, which included Generals Golikov, Popov, and Vatutin leading the Central Front Army consisting of two Guards Armies and three regular Armies. The battle raged for a full month as the Germans gavce ground in order to counterattack, in true Manstein fashion. The Soviet armies were depleted and found it difficult to stop the oncoming German army. To make matters worse, air superiority was nigh completely lost to Luftlotte 4 as their fighters dominated the skies over Kharkov, which allowed their armor andf personnel to be blanketed with close air support from ground attack aircraft. This would be, arguably, Germany's final major victory on the Eastern Front.

Our event will recreate the battles over the city of Kharkov as the VVS and Luftwaffe will once again attempt to gain air suporiority for their troops on the ground.



Side Split: 50% Allies/50% Axis






MAX 12

Bf 109G-2

MAX 16


 MAX 16

Bf 109F-4




Bf 110G-2 (jabo)


MIN 16

Tu-2S (single)


MIN 16



Hour 2:



Tu-2S (single)


Bf 110G-2 (jabo)


Bf 109G-2


Bf 109F-4


Special Rules:

All aircraft have a 20K altitude cap.

Ordnance carrying aircraft alt cap is 16K.

Ordnance disabled on all fighters except Bf 110G-2.

Gondolas disabled on Bf 109G-2.

Targets destroyed by La-5, Yak, or Bf 109 will not be scored.




Aircraft - 1
Hangars - 5
Bunkers - 0.5
Town Buildings - 0.2
Recommended Skins List:


Arena Settings:

- Terrain: blackseaw

- Clouds: med5kmed15k

- Fuel Burn: 1.0

- Icons: 3K Friendly/Enemy

- Ack: .3

- Fighter and Bomber warning range: 52800 (about 10 miles)

- Tower range set to 52800 (for display only to match the above setting)

- Haze/Fog: 15 miles

- Radar: Off

- Enemy collisions: on

- Friendly collisions: off

- Killshooter: off

- Time: 1000 (10AM) Game Clock

- Formations: Off

- Formation Autopilot: On

- Bomber calibration: Automatic

- Wind:


2K-8K: S TO N - Speed 5

8K-16K: SW TO NE - Speed 10

16K-20K: SW to NE - Speed 10

20K+: 45 MPH Downwind

Area of Operations:


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