After the capture of Naples and Salerno in late September 1943 in mainland Italy. Allied forces continued their assault on the German forces that remained in Italy after the Italian and Allied armistice had been signed. The British 8th Army and American 5th Army pushed northward towards the plains of Foggia. The 12th USAAF never halted the action to breathe while the retreating Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe did their best to defend and hold their ground. The air battles that would take place in this region were geographically located in the bootheel of Italy. Join the FSO community for all the hellacious action in “ACHILLES' HEEL”.
Country Percentage
Axis - 50%
Allies - 50%
Event Planeset
Bf110G-2 - 2x 500Kg Bombs
Fw190A-5 - 1x 500Kg Bomb, 2x 20mm Canon only.
A-20G - 4x 500 lb. Bombs, Bombay only
P-38G - 2x 500 ib. Bombs
Victory Conditions
The side that has accumulated the most points by the end of the frame is the victor.
Object Points
Aircraft Points
Special Event Rules
- This is a multi-life event. Pilots may re-plane in 2nd-hour aircraft once they become available in the hangar.
- Combatants may rearm in their original aircraft at any friendly base.
- Ordnance for each aircraft will be set by the setup CM in the hangar.
- All targeted objects will retain their normal MA destruction weight.
- The attackers will have up to T+60 to make their initial attack, in lieu of a points penalty.
- FW190s will be scored as single-engine attack aircraft if destroyed.
- The bomber alt cap will be 14K.
- The fighter alt cap will be 18k.
- Destroyed targets are down for the remainder of the frame.
- All CiCs are required to comply with the stated number of aircraft allocations per frame.
Arena Settings
Terrain map: Italy
Fuel burn rate: 1.0
Anti-aircraft gun strength: 0.3
Bombsight calibration: AUTOMATIC (MA standard)
Icons: 3.0K yards (9,000 feet)
Sector Radar ("bar dar"): OFF
Dot Radar: OFF
Fighter and Bomber warning range: 79,200 feet (15 miles)
Tower range set to 79,200 feet (for display only, to match the above setting)
Haze range: 12 miles
Friendlycollisions: OFF
Enemy collisions: ON
Kill shooter: OFF
Stall Limiter: Set ON (Players may disable)
Historical Skins:
Bf109G-6 -
2nd Gruppo “Diavoli Rossi” By Devil505
4./Jg 77 by Devil505
6./Jg 53 by Larry
7./Jg 53 by Devil505
II/Jg 53 by Serenity
Bf110G-2 -
Stab II./ZG 1
FW190A-5 -
II./Skg10 by Devil5O5
C205 -
II./Jg 77 by Greebo
A-20G -
None available
P-38G -
1st FG/94th FS by Greebo
14th FG/37th FS by Greebo
82nd FG/95th FS by Greebo
Spitfire Mk IX -
31st FG/301st FS by greebo
PFT/ 145S by Greebo
52nd FG/4th FS by Larry
Spitfire Mk VIII -
417S / RCAF by Greebo
92S RAF by Greebo
31st FG/308th FS by Greebo
Designer Notes:
Designer: AKWarHwk June 2023