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Across the Rhine

Across The Rhine

March 1945 (v1.0)


After over five and a half years of war the Allies have closed in on the borders of the Reich.  The Rhine River has been the barrier to invading armies entering Germany from the west for centuries, long before Germany itself existed.


Source of weird and romantic legends, the Rhine River has long held a peculiar fascination for the German people, a historic moat guarding them against the traditional enemies to the west. As the German armies in the summer of 1944 fell back from defeat in France, their commanders appealed for authority to withdraw behind that moat, the only hope, they believed, for stopping the Allied armies and recovering from the debacle in France. Yet Hitler said no and continued to say no all through the fall and winter, so that with the coming of spring the military force that might have hoped to defend successfully at the Rhine had ceased to exist, destroyed in the fighting west of the river.


Since the second week of January, when the complete elimination of the enemy salient in the Ardennes had become merely a question of time, General Eisenhower and his subordinates had been making plans for the resumption of offensive ground action. The strategy agreed in all essentials with the campaign plans of early December 1944. Projected operations fell into three general phases. During the first phase, while Bradley's U.S. First and Third Armies continued their systematic pursuit of the enemy in the Ardennes area and General Devers' U.S. Seventh Army and French First Army ellirninated German resistance west of the Rhine on the Alsace-Lorraine front, Field Marshal Montgomery was to launch the major offensive toward the Rhine north of Düsseldorf. The immediate aim in all areas was to achieve a maximum destruction of the German forces west of the Rhine. Once the Allied armies had reached the Rhine, the establishment of strong bridgeheads across that river would be the next task. The last phase of operations envisaged powerful drives into the heart of Germany, the destruction of all her remaining forces, and finally a junction with the advancing Russians.



Axis: 50%


Ar-234            Max 12 pilots w/formations


Bf-109K4       Max 40


Fw-190D9     Max 50

Me-262          Max 16

TA-152H        Max 24


- A minimum of 12 of each aircraft utilized must be flown each frame.
- All 7 of the aircraft must be used each frame.


Allies: 50%




P-47D40                    Max 24

P-51D                         Max 36

B-26B                         Max 20 pilots w/formations

Mosquito Mk VI        

Mosquito Mk XVI      Max 12 pilots w/formations

Spitfire Mk XIV          Max 24

Spitfire Mk XVI          Max 24

Tempest Mk V           Max 36

Typhoon Mk IB        


- A minimum of 12 of each aircraft utilized must be flown each frame.
- At least 8 of the 11 aircraft must be used each frame.


1.         A minimum of 20 players must be assigned to defend each target assigned to the enemy.

2.         All targets must be attacked within the first 60 minutes of the event.

3.         All targets must be assigned to be attacked by no less than 20 players assigned for strike, sweep and/or escort.

4.         This is a one life event in aircraft. (See vehicles for further options)

4.         Bomber formations are enabled.

5.         Players may not man guns at airfields or on ships.

7.         Players who have lost their aircraft may join as gunners to any bomber.

8.         Aircraft at no time may attack ground vehicles.

9.         Air spawns are disabled.

10.       When attacking the largest cities, the center island is the target.



Fighter  Aircraft - 1 Points
Twin Engine Bombers - 5 Points
Jet Aircraft – 5 Points
Hangars  - 5 Points

Factory Building – 1 Points

City Building – 1 Points

Fuel Bunker – 2 Points

Troop Barracks – 2 Points

Ammo Bunker – 5 Points

Radar Tower – 10 Points





Tiger Mk VI Ausf A

Panther Mk V Ausf G         

Panzer Mk IV





Sherman M4A3 (75)

Sherman M4A3 (76)

Sherman Firefly

M3 Halftrack


1.         Ground battles will start at T+60 and last the remainder of the frame.

2.         Objective is to capture and hold center of city in frames 1 and 3 and village at field in frame 2.  Note this does NOT involve troops but capture by possession and holding the ground.

3.         Players may use as many tanks as they want.  If too many of the Fireflies, Panthers or Tigers are being used, the CMs will disable those for a time.

4.         Half-tracks may drop supplies.



No scoring on tank battle, enable for enjoyment only.

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